Education, training and employment

We will make sure that you have all the information you need about your options for training, education and employment and any additional opportunities that you can access as a care leaver.

We will support you to become ‘apprenticeship ready’, at which point you will join our talent pool of young people seeking apprenticeship opportunities with local employers.

We will prioritise you for apprenticeship opportunities both within the Council and externally, offering guaranteed assessments for roles within the Council.

If appropriate, you will be offered work experience opportunities matched with employers from different sectors to suit individual aspirations and support you to become work ready.

We will offer bespoke employment support matched to your needs including access to traineeships and apprenticeships.

The care leavers team will purchase you a laptop up to the value of £250 to help support with your studies.

Your PA will help you to know what grants and bursaries you are eligible for if you are in education or training. If you’re going to university the leaving care team will provide you with:

  • A bursary of £2,000 to help with purchasing books and equipment for your course which will be paid in instalments.
  • Support to apply for ‘Vulnerable young persons bursary’ that all universities offer.
  • Support with accommodation during the holidays.

University accommodation

As of September 2021, Wigan Council contribute to the rent payments for all former relevant care leavers who are undertaking a first degree. If you choose student halls accommodation, we'll pay up to £5000 per year.

We'll be your guarantor.

For university students looking for private rental accommodation, Wigan Council will act as your guarantor and absorb any related costs. We will either:

  • Step in and act as your guarantor directly OR
  • Cover the full costs of a chosen guarantor scheme.

During summer break, we will help you find a home with a foster carer or we will pay for accommodation.

If you are looking for a job, we can support by linking you with the job centre and other services.

Digital Support

Digital technology has become an essential part of everyday life, so we want to make sure you have the support you need to get online and benefit from the digital world. Our digital support service includes help with:

  • Digital connectivity
  • Access to online services e.g. paying bills
  • Developing your digital skills
  • Access to a digital device and support to use it

During and after school we will be on hand to support you in a number of ways and help you explore all your options for the future.


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