A movement to encourage people to be kind and to think about how they can make a difference.
The latest updates on our leisure centres and wellbeing services.
Be Well Wigan is your hub for all leisure services - book a class, gym, swim or activity, get membership and much more.
The latest updates on our leisure centres and wellbeing services.
Get outdoors with our wide range of land and water based activities for families, schools and independent groups.
Becoming more active can have a major positive impact on how you feel, both physically and mentally.
Sign up to the Believe in Business Charter, find out how we can support you and access the online business directory
The festival will highlight the support that is available across Greater Manchester, focusing on local businesses sharing stories to inspire and encourage how to grow their business.
Help us to identify those people who falsely claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.
Housing Benefits, Council Tax Reduction, free school meals, report a change in circumstances and more.
Benefits for mixed aged couples
Organisations and services available to help those who have experienced bereavement.
We listened to thousands of your views and suggestions to help us refresh the Deal 2030 - here's how it's helping us shape the borough.
Which bin to use, putting your bin out, bin collection dates, missed bins, replacement bins, bulky item collections, finding a recycling centre and more.
Make an appointment to register a birth, what details you need to bring and who needs to attend.
Celebrating black British history, the achievements of Britain's black communities, being a good ally and links to further reading and viewing.
How to apply for a Blue Badge disabled parking permit, appealing a Blue Badge application decision and reporting Blue Badge fraud.
A permanent sign to commemorate a link between a location and a famous person, event, or former building.
Report a problem with a bonfire and find out what you can dispose of in garden bonfires.
Charges for notice of marriage, marriage certificates and wedding ceremonies.
Find a library, search the catalogue, renew your books and find out about events and activities.
Council newsletter distributed to all households in the borough.
Borough Life Plus Winter 2024
Bowls is for all ages and all levels, find your nearest bowling green.
What you need to know to prepare for Brexit.
Report a problem with a bridge and find out what the council is responsible for.
Apply for building regulations approval and advice on building control for residential purposes.
Licensing and permits for scaffolding, hoardings or skips and placing items on or over a highway.
Request collection of large items, white goods, electrical appliances and more including how to donate furniture to charities.
Free and independent advice service to help you start, run or grow your business.
Licensing and permits for all kinds of businesses and trades.
General information, make a payment apply for a reduction, moving premises and update your account.
Help for businesses to understand and comply with regulations.
Support and advice for running a business including networks, events, training, employment, grants and properties.
Memorials, plaques and other options to purchase to remember your loved one.