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Obstructions on the highway and footpath include skips, overhanging branches and 'A' boards.
Open Data is information held by Wigan Council which is freely available to view and be used by the public.
Remove yourself from or add yourself back on to the open version of the electoral register - formerly known as the edited register.
How we're improving open water safety, including Council policy, procedure, guidance, toolkit and FAQs.
Exciting news and updates on some of our biggest projects led by Wigan Council or led by our partners, delivering investment and opportunity, for local residents and to attract new and returning visitors to our borough
Find out about each team at Wigan children's services and hear from staff about their working experience
We run a number of services "in-house" with our Council teams setting the exemplar in the borough for providing support.
The Our Town campaign aims to bring people together to share their stories and to celebrate our borough.
The Our Town Directory is a place to bring together local support and things to do in the community whether you are living, visiting or working in Wigan.
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