Food hygiene rating scheme

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme logoWigan Council participate in the Food Standards Agency's national food hygiene rating scheme (FHRS), helping consumers choose where to eat out or shop for food. An up-to-date list of ratings for businesses in Wigan borough can be viewed on the FSA website (external link). Food businesses inspected by food officers are given different ratings (external link) based on their compliance with the legal requirements for hygiene, structural condition and management performance.

Following a food hygiene inspection a business included in the scheme is rated a five for a very good premises through to zero for those premises that need to improve urgently, giving the consumer an indication of its overall level of food hygiene compliance.

  • 5 - very good
  • 4 - good
  • 3 - generally satisfactory
  • 2 - improvement necessary
  • 1 - major improvement necessary
  • 0 - urgent improvement necessary

Please note the rating does not reflect the quality of food, taste or standard of service and it's currently voluntary for businesses to display the rating.

As a consumer, it’s not easy to judge hygiene standards on appearance alone so the rating gives you an idea of what’s going on in the kitchen or behind closed doors. You can check the ratings and use it to choose a food business. It’s also good to share this information with friends and family.

The rating is only a reflection of conditions found on the day of the inspection and standards may have gone up or down since that inspection.

Published ratings

After an inspection, the rating will be uploaded by the Council so that it is published on the FSA website (external link).

  • Ratings of '5 - very good' will be published as soon as the information is uploaded by the Council
  • Ratings of '0 - 4' will be published approximately 5 weeks after the date of inspection to allow for an appeal to be submitted.

Request an early publication of ratings

The business owner or manager can request that a rating is published before the end of the appeal period.

The Council will review the request and will usually publish the rating early.

What if a business disputes the score?

Apply for a re-rating

If a food business has made improvements to hygiene standards that the food officer discussed at their planned inspection they can ask for a re-visit before the next planned inspection. The hygiene standards in their premises will be reassessed with a view to give an improved rating. This request needs to be submitted online. There is a fee payable at the time of submitting your request.

Right to reply

The business owner or manager also has a 'right to reply'. This is different from an appeal. The owner or manager can submit an explanation on how the business has improved hygiene or to say if there were unusual circumstances at the time of the inspection. A business's right to reply will be published online by the Council alongside the business's hygiene rating.


There is an appeals process if a business wants to dispute the FHRS given by an inspecting officer.

The business owner or manager can contact the Council's food officer that  carried out the inspection about out the rating received. If the business owner or manager still thinks the rating is unfair or wrong, they can appeal online.


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