Lower than market rent properties

Lower than market rent properties are selected two and three bedroom homes in more popular areas. These are still allocated in accordance with the allocations policy.

These homes are let on lower than market rent levels, approximately 20 percent cheaper than renting a similar home in the area from a private landlord. In all other respects tenants have exactly the same rights and responsibilities as other council tenants.

How do I qualify for a property?

Preference is given to applicants who are living in the borough and can afford to pay the rent on the property. Applicants who are living outside the borough, but can demonstrate a local connection to it, may also be considered.

All offers are subject to an affordability assessment and applicants will be required to provide evidence of income and expenditure.

Households may under occupy or overcrowd by 1 bedroom. Applicants who have been awarded additional points for overcrowding will have these points disregarded if the offer of accommodation will not improve their housing situation. However, when allocating a larger family home with an additional parlour dining room we will deem applicants moving from a standard house as improving their situation and therefore any points for overcrowding will remain.

How do you prioritise applications?

The property will be offered to the applicant with the highest priority on the housing register who meets the criteria above.

Why are you doing this?

The rent from these tenancies help to support the building of more new homes to meet the shortage of homes in the borough.


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