What is Adult Social Care?

Adult Social Care aims to help people stay independent, safe and well so they can live the lives they want to.

Care is available to those who are frail, have disabilities or neurodiversity and mental health issues.  It can support the individual as well as the carer.

Examples of care include support for washing, dressing and getting out of bed in the morning, as well as wider support to help people stay active and engaged in their communities.

What support is available?

We provide information and advice about care and support to all residents, offer short term help and options for longer term support where needed.

Care and support is focused on your needs, we take account of what you enjoy doing, your interests, the people you want to be with and what you want from your life that gives you choice and control.

This means we:

  • Look at what you can do rather than what you can't
  • Talk to you and listen so we get to know you
  • Understand what is most important to you, your worries, what you’ve already tried and what might be the best next steps
  • Look to be creative with our solutions to meet your needs in helping you build the life you want.

Who provides support?

The Healthier Wigan Partnership (HWP)

The Healthier Wigan Partnership (HWP) is a joined-up team of health and social care professionals, working together across the borough to deliver health and care services to our residents.

HWP brings together the main health and care providers in primary and community care, mental health, social care, and the hospital. We share the same space working together in buildings all around the borough so that the community-based teams really know their areas and the people they’re supporting.

Wigan Council’s Services

Social Care may be delivered directly by our in-house council teams or through carefully selected external providers on our behalf.

Our in-house services focus on people who have very specialist needs and include services such as:

We also work closely with our ethical providers, who are an integral part of our teams and the services we provide. We commission them for their specialist care services. Services include homecare, supported living and care homes.

We also work closely with a range of commissioned providers in other areas such as drug and alcohol support.

By working in this way, we can offer lots of different support that we know is needed in our borough.

Short-term and long-term care

Adult Social Care may be short-term or long-term.

  • Short-term care refers to support that is time-limited with the intention of regaining or maximising the independence of the individual so there is no need for ongoing support
  • Long-term care is provided for people with complex and ongoing needs either in the community or accommodation such as a nursing home.

All needs are discussed with you to help us understand what you can do for yourself, or with the help from others or community resources, before looking at what we may be able to support you with.

Paying For Care

Unlike the NHS, Adult Social Care is not free and when we talk to you about your needs, we will complete a financial assessment to understand how much you will need to contribute towards any care you receive. Sometimes people pay for all their care needs (self-funded) and in some instances, the council pay some or all the cost.

For more information see the How much will I have to pay for my care webpage.


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