Our aim is to support you to stay in your own home and live as independently as possible. If you need help with simple tasks around the home, there are a range of useful gadgets, adaptations and equipment that can help.
Our Ask Sara Website is an on-line self-help tool which allows you to source your own solution quickly. It provides tips, advice and guidance including what equipment is available to support you. All you need to do is to answer a few simple questions about the support you need.
If Ask Sara does indicate you would benefit from a full independent assessment of your needs or if you would like an assessment, below is information of how our Early Intervention Service can support you with this.
Early Intervention
The Early Intervention service is the first step in the social care assessment process, in the majority of cases, as it helps to establish if there is any potential to improve your abilities with every-day activities at home. We recognise the importance of keeping active, independent and feeling safe for your long-term health, wellbeing and quality of life. To support you to achieve this we aim to help you to do as much as you can for yourself.
We have friendly and professional, trained assessors and therapists who can support you to improve your abilities and do as much as you can for yourself.
What will happen?
On receipt of your referral into the Early Intervention service, it will be screened and depending on your needs and demand, you may have to wait a short while to be assessed.
When the team visit you, they are trying to find out as much information as they can about your health, lifestyle, abilities, what is important to you and what you would like to achieve. This will involve you demonstrating how you manage tasks i.e. walking, making a drink, getting in out of bath, using stairs etc.
During the assessment, we may identify a number of support options to improve your independence and how you manage at home:
- Arrange a ‘Reablement programme’. Support staff will work with you for a short period (upto 6 weeks depending on your level of need) to improve how you manage independently at home e.g. using the stairs, making a meal.
- Providing equipment or adaptations in your home
- Providing advice on new methods and techniques
- Providing assistive technology devices such as emergency alarms
- Referring you onto other relevant services or agencies.
At the end of our Early Intervention assessment, if there are any tasks that you are still struggling with and require support, with your agreement, we will make a referral through for a social care assessment.
You can also refer yourself by completing our online social care assessment form.
How to contact us
To contact adult social care about support and equipment to live at home, you can: