Recycling resources for schools

We know how passionate children are about recycling and we are proud that almost every school in the borough has eco-school status.

Now the borough has moved to three weekly bin collections we all need to do our part to recycle more, recycle right.

If your school wants to do more to promote recycling there’s some useful links and information on this page to help you spread the message.

How can your school help?

Watch what happened when four pupils from St Peter's Primary school in Hindley visited our waste depot, to go behind the scenes of recycling:

Help and support for schools with environmental issues

  • Help with setting up recycling facilities in school
  • Advice on how to reduce your school's waste
  • Assemblies and lessons
  • Advice and support on linking in with the wider community (local residents, community groups and businesses)
  • Support with carrying out litter picks.

Eco-Schools support

  • Help setting up as an eco-school
  • Advice and support on how to progress
  • Support with eco-days, events and campaigns
  • Support with identifying funding opportunities
  • Regular updates in the eco-school newsletter
  • Links to other partners on eco-school topics including waste, energy and healthy living.

Free resources for schools


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