Street trading

You may require a street trading consent if you want to sell any article (including a living thing) in the street.

For consumers

Public register

There is no legal requirement for us to keep a public register of street traders. Please contact us if you want to know if a trader is registered.

Objecting to an application

You can give written notice of your objection to a new application (static traders only) during the 28 day objection period.

Please contact us to discuss a pending application.

For traders

Definition of street trading

Street trading involves selling or offering for sale any article in any street (including all forecourts, roads, footways and other areas next to streets) or open space where the public have access without payment.

This includes private property that the public can access without payment.

All streets within Wigan Borough are ‘consent streets’ for all purposes of Schedule 4 of Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982.

Where consent is not needed

A Street Trading consent is not needed for trading as a:

  • Pedlar with a pedlar’s certificate granted under the Pedlar’s Act 1871
  • News vendor
  • Roundsman

Nor is it needed to trade:

  • In a market or fair if you obtained the right to hold through a grant, enactment  or order
  • At or adjoining a shop as part of the business


Our Street Trading policy explains how we deal with applications for street trading consents.

Application process

When you submit your application you will also need to send us:

Details of all employees and assistants should include:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • National Insurance number
  • Contact number
  • Details of any convictions or offences

Where applicable, you will also need to send:

  • Food registration details
  • Site or location plan
  • Written permission to trade at the site

If you do not provide all relevant information there could be a delay with your application.

If you operate a food business then you also need to register the details of your business in accordance with the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006. The registration relates to the address where the trading unit is stored.

Once consent has been issued you must display it where it can be read by customers.

You and your assistants must also wear the badges we supply so that they can be clearly seen at all times when trading.

Street trading conditions

When will I hear from you?

We will contact you within five working days after receiving your application and will normally expect to let you know our decision within 30 days.

Will Tacit Consent apply?

Yes. If you have not heard from us within 30 days you can act as though your application is granted. However you are advised to contact us to confirm your consent has been granted.


Please contact us in the first instance.


It is an offence to trade on streets anywhere within the Borough without street trading consent.

This includes the selling of cars or other vehicles on the street. If you wish to report a vehicle or vehicles being offered for sale on the street you can do so by contacting us.

To make a complaint about street trading you can:


© Wigan Council