Personal treatments

You need to be registered under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 if you carry out any of the following treatments:

  • Acupuncture
  • Cosmetic piercing (including ear piercing)
  • Electrolysis
  • Semi-permanent skin colouring (including Microblading)
  • Tattooing.

Registration is required for both the person (practitioner) carrying out the treatment as well as the premises being used. 

Applications for an individual practitioner must specify the premises which they will be carrying out the treatment(s). Checks will be made to ensure the premises is appropriately registered.

Any registration, if granted, lasts indefinitely. It would only end if it was surrendered to the Council or it was cancelled or suspended by a Court for a relevant offence.

How to apply

Before you apply, you are advised to familiarise yourself with the relevant byelaws, as well as the Frequently Asked Questions document.

Payments should be made online and the payment date and reference quoted with the application when submitted.

All applications (including supporting documents) should be emailed to

Applications must be completed in full. Failure to do so could result in the application being rejected.

How long will my application take?

We aim to determine applications within 14 days from receipt of a completed application, including payment. In some circumstances applications may take longer than 14 days whilst we liaise with the Environmental Health Team.

You must not begin operating / carrying out any of the above treatments until you are in receipt of a certificate of registration.

Tacit consent will not apply. It is in the public interest that we must process your application before we can grant a registration. Please contact us if you have not heard from us within 14 days from the date of application.

Business Advice

This page provides general information and guidance however you can request more individual bespoke support.


Following the grant of an application a certificate of registration will be issued which sets out the treatments that have been authorised to be carried out. This will be accompanied by a copy of the Council’s byelaws in relation to the treatments listed on the certificate.

An Officer from the Environmental Health Team will contact you within 21 days to make arrangements to carry out an inspection at the premises to which the treatment(s) are being carried out. This inspection is to ensure you have the right facilities available and that you are operating hygienically and safely. They will also be able to provide advice.

Prior to the inspection you are advised to carry out a self-audit so that you are aware what areas will be covered during the inspection. 

You are also advised to read and check through the relevant byelaws, as you must meet the standards of them. Failure to comply with the byelaws may lead to prosecution and/or the revocation of your registration(s).

Displaying your certificate

Please note that it is a legal requirement that the certificate of registration(s) and the byelaws be prominently displayed on the premises.


The practice of the above treatments are controlled through compliance with the following byelaws:

Change of circumstances

You must notify us of any change of circumstances. This includes the surrendering of a registration, a request to transfer a premises registration or any other material change to the registration or how you operate. There is a fee due in respect of any change that requires a new registration to be issued.

If you wish to apply for any additional treatment(s) to be included on your registration you must complete the online change application and pay the relevant fee. The fee payable for this change is £151.00.

Public register

There is no legal requirement to keep a public register.  If you wish to check if a business or individual is registered, please email


If you are concerned that a someone is carrying out any of the above treatments without a registration, or that a business is trading without a registration, you can email

Botox and Cosmetic Filler Treatments

The Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act 2021 makes it an offence to arrange and administer such treatments to children under 18 years of age. 

You commit a criminal offence if you administer botulinum toxin (commonly known as ‘Botox’), or a filler by way of injection for a cosmetic purpose to a person under 18 in England, even if they have the permission of someone over 18.

A filler is a substance used for dermal or mucous membrane filling (whether or not designed to be so used).

It is also an offence to make arrangements or book an appointment to provide these treatments to anyone under the age of 18.

You do not currently require a licence from the local authority to carry out these treatments.

A guidance document has been produced giving practical steps to help retailers and staff avoid underage sales taking place.

Greater Manchester Support Offer for Tattooists

Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership have recently launched a campaign targeted at tattooists. The campaign promotes Shining A Light On Suicide (external link) and resources are available.

The Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Programme recognised that many people who have experienced a bereavement or mental health struggle will often seek a tattoo in memory of a loved one or as a mark of survival of difficult times they may have recently been through.


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