Highway maintenance

All minor repairs identified from our Highway Safety Inspections are prioritised for action depending on their severity, location and the hierarchy of the road or footway.

The Council is responsible for adopted highways, which are public roads that are managed and maintained by the council.

We are not responsible for the maintenance on private streets. For more information about private streets, including information on how the council can adopt a private street please visit the private streets webpage.

Repairs you can report:

  • Damaged / uneven kerbs or flags
  • Potholes
  • Highway drainage grid / gullies
  • Missing or damaged street furniture e.g. fences, guardrails, crash barriers
  • Damaged, missing or uneven manhole covers
  • Trees, overhanging branches and hedges.

How do I report an issue on an adopted highway as a resident?

You can report an issue as a resident of Wigan borough through MyAccount. Reporting through MyAccount is quicker and allows you to track progress.

How do I report an issue on an adopted highway as a non-resident?

You can also report an issue as a non-resident through our online forms.

When you inform us of damage to a footway or carriageway, we will, wherever possible, make contact with you within 13 working days.

Other problems

Street works, roadworks, trees, overhanging branches, hedges, skips, scaffolds, hoardings, advertising boards and building materials that block the pavement can be considered to be causing an obstruction to pedestrians.

Carriageway, Footway and Structures planned maintenance

In October 2018, the Chancellor announced in the Budget that the Government was allocating a further £420m of new money for local highways maintenance. This additional resource was allocated using the highways maintenance funding formula, which resulted in Wigan Council receiving an additional £1.7m.

This additional funding has been used for repairing the borough’s highway carriageways (including dealing with potholes). The list of schemes undertaken using this funding are highlighted within the maintenance schedules below:

Relevant documents

Road Marking Maintenance Programme

A 4 year road marking maintenance program has been formulated to ensure that road markings are visible, clear and compliant.

In April each year the annual programme is issued to our road marking contractor for them to undertake the work. The majority of the programme works are undertaken between April and September when the weather is warmer and the days longer. It is more difficult to remark road markings in the winter months and they cannot be laid when there is road salt on the road from the Winter Maintenance program.


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