Frequently asked questions

When will I find out if I have had a successful bid on a property?

Once bidding closes, the person at the top of the list is offered the property (if they meet the letting criteria for that property). They have a little time to view the property and make a decision.

If they don’t accept the property, it is offered to the next person on the list and so on, until someone accepts the property. This means that it can take anywhere between 2 or 3 days and 2 or 3 weeks.

I think I have mice, who do I call?

You need to contact pest control.

My brown bin is broken, how do I get it replaced?

See the replacement bin page to arrange this.

How long will I have to wait for a home?

It is difficult to say how long you may have to wait. Demand is very high for council properties and it depends on the priority you have been awarded, the type and size of property you need and the areas you wish to move to.

How can I become a customer inspector?

See our page on becoming a Tenant Voice.

Can I apply for one of the new build properties?

If you would like to apply you first need to be on the Housing Register.

I am struggling in my tenancy. How do I get help?

We can provide support services to tenants who require help with setting up or managing their tenancy. They can help with managing accommodation, setting up utilities, completing forms, money matters, debt and budgeting. The team can also refer tenants to other services for support with substance misuse, mental health, accessing education, training and employment.

Am I entitled to claim Housing Benefits? 

You can check your entitlement and make an application on Housing Benefits page. You can also visit your local life centre for advice and assistance.

Do you replace fluorescent tubes in kitchen lights?

We don't replace these unless in exceptional circumstances you are unable to fit the tube yourself and do not have someone who could help with this task.

How can I prevent mould and condensation?

Condensation occurs due to everyday moisture that is produced in the home. To prevent mould and damage from condensation please see our reducing condensation tips.

I am struggling to manage my garden due to my age or a disability. Can you help me with the ongoing maintenance of my garden?

We offer an assisted gardening scheme for those tenants who are struggling to maintain their gardens due to age or disability and have no one else to help them. If you are eligible to receive the service it is provided free of charge. The service can provide grass cutting and hedge trimming up to three times per year. If you would like to make an application to receive this service you will need to complete the Gardening Assistance Application Form and return it to us - we will then contact you to discuss your application with you in more detail and arrange to inspect your garden if required.

My neighbour’s tree is overhanging onto my garden, what can I do?

If your neighbour is a council tenant, contact caretaking and grounds maintenance and we will be able to make arrangements for the tree to be inspected. If your neighbour is not a council tenant we would suggest that you would initially need to approach your neighbour to make them aware of the problems that you are experiencing. If they refuse to cut back the tree, you are legally entitled to prune it yourself but you can only prune back as far as your boundary. However, before any work is undertaken you will need to check that the tree is not protected by a Tree Preservation Order. To find out more, visit our trees, woodlands and hedges page.

My neighbour has an old sofa and chair in their front garden and I am concerned that this impacts on the appearance of my street. What can I do?

We would suggest that you should first speak to your neighbour about the dumped rubbish - it may be that they have made arrangements for the items to be removed and are waiting for it to be collected. If this is not an option or no action is taken by your neighbour then contact caretaking and grounds maintenance and we will arrange for an officer to contact or visit your neighbour.

I have an old sofa that I need to get rid of, but don’t have any transport to take it to the tip. Can you help me?

We offer a service for the collection of bulky waste items. For more information, or to request this service, visit bulky collections. 

Will you provide me with rear fencing?

We do not have a responsibility to provide rear fencing for tenants unless their boundary backs on to open land, a garage site or a public walk way. You would need to finance your own fencing although you may want to consider speaking to your neighbour about sharing the cost of the works. If your neighbour is not a council tenant then they will be responsible for the boundary between the two properties. You would have to apply for permission to erect fencing before carrying out this work. To apply contact caretaking and grounds maintenance to apply for this.

My street has a lot of litter that needs to be removed, who do I call?

You can report this to caretaking and ground maintenance and we will arrange for one of our Estate Caretakers to litter pick the area in question.

There is a lack of parking available in my street, is there anything that can be done to improve this?

Contact caretaking and grounds maintenance to let us know about problems like this. We cannot always guarantee that there is something we can do to help, but we will discuss with you the problems you are experiencing and look into possible solutions.


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