NHS health checks

Helping you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.

Free NHS health checks are held at local GP practices and community settings throughout the borough. They are available if you are:

  • Aged 40-74
  • Do not have a known pre-existing long term condition
  • Live and are registered with a GP in Wigan borough.

The health check looks at the health of your heart (circulatory and vascular health) and assesses if you are at risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and diabetes as well as some types of dementia.

Make an appointment

If you are aged 40-74 without a pre-existing condition you can make an appointment at your GP practice or alternatively you can choose to have your NHS Health Check at one of the community settings at a time to suit you. Contact us to find out when the next sessions are on within a community setting near you.

What happens at a health check?

You will be given some straightforward health tests including having your blood pressure, weight and height measured.

You will also be asked some questions about your family’s medical history and your lifestyle. It’s not embarrassing or painful and should only take between 20-30 minutes.

What about the results?

During the appointment you will receive a risk score which highlights your chances of developing heart disease etc. in the future.

Your GP or health professional will discuss your results and give you advice and support to monitor or improve your vascular health.

Often by making some simple small lifestyle changes it will lower your risk score and you can work towards reducing future health issues.

Check your heart age

Would you like to know how healthy your heart is?

There is a simple online tool for anyone over the age of 30 which helps you to find out if your heart age is higher or lower than your actual age.

If you know your blood pressure and cholesterol readings you will receive a more accurate reading. However, if you don’t, you can still use this tool but the readings will be an estimate.

NHS health checks in your workplace

Investing in the health of your workforce makes good business sense.

The workforce are the most valuable asset in any business and employers are increasingly realising that working to achieve a healthy and happy workforce is just as important as investing in maintaining buildings and equipment.

Health checks are a great way to make your employees feel valued and help encourage them to make positive lifestyle changes, which makes for a healthier workforce and keeps your business running smoothly.

NHS Health Checks can be delivered in workplaces across the borough at no cost to a business where employees are eligible to receive a NHS Health Check. However NHS Health Checks can also be delivered to other employees at a small charge.


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