We have prepared an updated Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for Wigan Borough. It has a base date of 1st April 2023.
The SHLAA can also be viewed as a map (external link). This includes details of site areas, physical and policy constraints and links to planning applications where applicable.
We continue to invite stakeholders to submit site suggestions for new housing development for inclusion in the SHLAA. You can submit a site which you deem suitable for housing through our Call for Sites form.
The assessment is updated annually. Its primary role is to identify sites with potential for housing and assess when they are likely to be developed. This enables the council to assess whether or not there is an adequate local housing land supply. It is not a statement of council policy and it does not allocate sites.
The Wigan Brownfield land register identifies sites in the SHLAA that meet the criteria for inclusion on the council’s brownfield land register.