Brownfield land register

The council published its most recent brownfield land register in December 2023.

It is in a file format required by Government to ensure consistency across the country. It can also be viewed via a map of the sites (external link) and is also available as open data (external link).

It identifies brownfield sites with the potential to accommodate around 7,700 new homes across the borough. The register is updated annually. All of the sites on the register are also included within our Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.

Registers are in two parts. This register forms Part 1, which includes all brownfield sites in the borough deemed appropriate for housing. Part 2 allows councils to grant Permission in Principle (external link). The council has not started work on Part 2 of its register at the current time.

The Part 1 register does not allocate land or assume that planning permission will be granted for housing or any other form of development. More information on brownfield registers is available in national planning practice guidance (external link).


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