Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment is one in a hierarchy of studies carried out to assess flood risk at all levels, from strategic to site specific.

Strategic Flood Risk Assessments comprise relevant data, guidance and recommendations for flood risk issues at a local level and are a useful planning tool in helping to manage flood risk in an effective and sustainable manner. They look beyond the basic flood risk zones identified by the Environment Agency to assess and identify all the different levels of flood risk (high, medium or low) and forms of flooding from all sources - rivers, canals, reservoirs, surface water, sewers and groundwater are explored.

As flood risk is very much a cross-boundary issue, Consultants Scott Wilson were commissioned to undertake a level 1 assessment for all ten Greater Manchester districts. A Greater Manchester Sub-Regional Strategic Flood Risk Assessment was completed in August 2008.

The level 1 assessment was followed up with the Wigan level 2 hybrid Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, which gives a more detailed overview of flood risk locally. This will help us guide future development to the right locations across the Borough, and where possible to reduce flood risk overall.

It is presented in 2 reports:

A suite of strategic flood risk maps have also been produced which will be used to locate development away from areas at high risk of flooding. These will be considered alongside any updated information.

Due to file sizes, it has not been possible to publish all the SFRA maps on our website. You can view copies of the reports and associated maps at our planning offices or we can provide a CD at a cost of £10.

Since the SFRA was produced there have been changes to flooding policy following the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in 2012. The Environment Agency is continually updating flood map data and there have been updates to the mapping of flood risk zones and a new Flood Map for Surface Water. These provide more detailed data than was previously available and although the SFRA is still relevant, a Flood Risk Review has been undertaken for the Allocations and Development Management Plan.

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