Get pre-application advice

By discussing your project with us before you apply for planning permission, we can help you put together a successful application that meets all requirements and avoids delays.

Our pre-application advice service is available to householders, developers, businesses and agents. We will always provide our advice in writing, and will arrange a one-to-one meeting with you if required.

What are the benefits?

Pre-application advice will help you to:

  • Access vital advice at an early stage to help ensure your project is acceptable
  • Identify and deal with issues before you submit your application, which can result in fewer amendments during the formal planning process, provide a quicker route to a decision following submission and potentially reduce the possibility of your application being refused
  • Identify missing information and reduce the likelihood of an invalid application
  • Understand how we apply our planning policies and requirements
  • Get advice on any pre-application consultations required.

You will also get a named planning case officer who will be familiar with your project and will deal with your planning application when it’s submitted

What happens if I don’t use the service?

Pre-application advice is optional, so you don’t have to use it.

However, if advice given at pre-application stage is not reflected in your application, we will not normally negotiate further changes to the project and will make our decision based on what is submitted.

If your planning application is not approved, this may delay your project and incur extra costs.

How much will I pay?

Fees will depend on how big and complex your project is.

For any requirements not covered by our standard charges you can contact the planning team.

How do I request pre-application advice?

Before requesting pre-application advice you will need to confirm the correct fee for your type of development - see our fees page.

To request pre-application advice:

You should only use this service when you have a specific project to submit. For more general information see our planning section.

Once you have completed the online form and payment is made, our Technical Support Team will contact you to confirm your pre-application is valid or to request any missing information to make it valid. Please be aware that at times of high demand, this may take up to 10 working days. Following receipt of a valid pre-application your submission will be allocated to a named planning case officer.

If your enquiry is in relation to Ofsted registered children's homes, or supported accommodation for 16 to 18 year olds, we advise you to also contact Children's Services for an initial conversation about local sufficiency. Contact

Important information

The pre-application service comprises a review of one set of submitted information, and a written response based on that information. Other than for very large or complex proposals, our officers will not normally be able to negotiate amendments to a proposal at pre-application stage, or to enter into correspondence about a proposal after the initial pre-application response has been provided. We aim to provide a written response that gives sufficient guidance to allow any required changes to be reflected in your formal planning application.

While every effort is made to ensure that the advice provided through this service is comprehensive, all pre-application advice is given on an informal basis, assessed in accordance with relevant planning policies and current legislation, and will not prejudice the outcome of a formal planning application.


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