Masterplan for land North of Mosley Common

A Masterplan for land North of Mosley Common has been prepared by Peel L&P, the majority landowner, to support its future development. The 61 hectare site is proposed to be removed from the Green Belt in the emerging Places for Everyone Plan and allocated for residential-led development.

The Masterplan, which was approved by Wigan Council in September 2022, will guide development and future planning applications on the site and is a material consideration in the decision-making process.  It directly reflects the site allocation policy in the emerging Places for Everyone Plan and supports a development which:

  • Delivers around 1,100 new homes (including a policy compliant amount of affordable housing), within a mix of distinct neighbourhoods connected by vehicular and safe active travel routes
  • Delivers a wide range of house types and sizes, including family homes, apartments, later living / extra care, and executive style homes, ranging from 2-5 beds
  • Provides an additional bus stop on the Leigh-Salford-Manchester Guided Busway and contributes proportionally and meaningfully to increasing passenger capacity
  • Ensures safe and convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists to services and amenities in the local area, including the new and committed retail and health facilities at Parr Bridge and to a new community hub within the site
  • Provides new primary education facilities, most likely as an expansion to St John’s Mosley Common Primary School, to meet increased demand generated by the development
  • Protects and enhances the environs of Honksford Brook through the creation of a green infrastructure corridor.

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