Our teams

Supporting over 5000 adults in the borough with social care needs, we have an extensive number of teams each focused on their own specialisms.

They all bring a variety of roles and opportunities for people to join and progress their careers. Whether you’re interested in occupational therapy, social care nursing, homecare or finance and business administration there will be something for you.

In-House Services

We provide a number of services in-house with our Council teams, setting ourselves as the exemplar for complex adult social care services.

Our In-house services include:Supporting others

  • Supported Living
  • Shared Lives
  • Day services
  • Mental health services
  • Heathside Residential
  • HAPS (Heathside Assessment Pathway Service)
  • Respite Service
  • Carers support services.

As with all councils, we commission out many care services to specialist companies. By doing this, we can offer the breadth and depth of support that we know is needed in our borough.

Provider Management and Market Development

The Provider Management and Market Development team commissions and manages relationships with care homes, homecare and supported living service providers.

“We have the permission to try things and go where perhaps we haven't been before. We're encouraged to develop new ways working and new relationships. I like the ability to work as allies, as kindred spirits, we're all in this together and doing something really special together.”

Andrea, Enhanced Service Manager - Provider Management and Market Development

Crisis Intervention and Prevention

Our Crisis Intervention and Prevention team works with community partners and charitable organisations to reduce homelessness and support people with drug and alcohol issues. We also organise community rehabilitation services and recovery opportunities for the individuals we support.

Community Services

Community Services includes our Social Worker and Social Care Officer teams who are all here to help people stay happy and independent in their own home and provide access to local community services.

  • Three Localities teams
  • Transfer of Care Hub team who support with hospital discharges
  • Early Intervention Services teams which includes Primary Assessors and Occupational Therapists
  • Complex Dependency Team
  • Sensory Rehab Officers
  • Reablement
  • Manual Handling Advisors
  • Integrated Community Equipment Service.

“We’ve got a really good set of providers working across the community – that includes community providers and internal providers, each with their own bespoke way of supporting people. And there’s so much innovation. Providers are setting things up by themselves, through their own experiences and seeing where gaps exist. Creativity and innovation are hallmarks of working in Wigan.”

Mark Sharrock, Service Manager, MH Professional Lead & Principal Social Worker


Our safeguarding team is focused on making sure that our residents can live safely and free from harm, abuse or the fear of abuse, in communities that recognise and report abuse and look out for each other.

Public Health

Our focus in Public Health is on preventing ill health, prolonging life and encouraging healthy lifestyles. Our aim is for people to live longer in better health.

There are a wide range of career opportunities across Public Health with teams in data intelligence, business support, emergency planning and commissioning as well as practitioner and specialist roles.

Our team bring specialist knowledge and experience from diverse backgrounds including medicine, healthcare, sports science, environmental health, geography, communication and academia.

Live Well and Age Well Teams 

These teams make sure our residents live healthy, happy lives with the help of advice and support. The team is focused on delivering improved health outcomes for our residents in areas such as health management, weight management and help to stop smoking.

We also have a wealth of other teams such as the Direct Payments team and Supporting Skills and Futures team, all here to ensure residents who need adult social care support are living their very best lives.


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