Hearing and vision support (adults)

Our aim is to support you to stay in your own home and live as independently as possible. If you need help with simple tasks around the home, there are a range of useful gadgets, adaptations and equipment that can help.

Our Ask Sara Website (external link) is an on-line self-help tool which allows you to source your own solution quickly. It provides tips, advice and guidance including what equipment is available to support you. All you need to do is to answer a few simple questions about the support you need.

If Ask Sara does indicate you would benefit from a full independent assessment of your needs or if you would like an assessment, below is information of how our Early Intervention Service can support you with this.

What support is available?

If you're an adult who has hearing, visual or dual sensory loss, the Sensory Service can look at the best ways to help you remain or become as independent as possible.

We can help you find new ways of dealing with the practical and emotional difficulties you might have due to your hearing, sight or dual sensory loss. We provide:

  • Individual assessments and rehabilitation support
  • Specialist equipment and adaptations in your home to improve your independence and wellbeing
  • Support to access concessions and benefits available
  • Mobility training for vision impaired residents, including accessing the community, visiting shops and other essential facilities, and learning how to use public transport
  • Support to access employment, training, and volunteering opportunities
  • Advocacy support to ensure you access the most relevant and current information, advice and guidance to help you make important decisions about your needs, including:
    • Support to access the best low vision magnifying aids
    • Advice on accessing written or audio materials e.g. audio translation, talking books, accessible computer software
    • Access to lip-reading classes, hard of hearing and deaf clubs
    • Sight loss support groups
    • Organisations providing specialist equipment
    • Details of support from other organisations.

Who is eligible for support?

You do not need to be certified as sight impaired, severely sight impaired or deaf to access our service.

If you are struggling with your eyesight or hearing please request an assessment.

If you're 19 years or under, we have a separate page on the support available:

How to request hearing / vision support

To request a sensory assessment, you can either:

Deaf Support Service for Wigan Deaf Community

Are you a Deaf resident and a British Sign Language user? Do you need some support to communicate?

We work with Topp Language Solutions to provide a remote text, email and video interpreter service for residents with a hearing impairment, available from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. To access the service, you will need to:

  • Be a person who is deaf / BSL user
  • Have a problem you need support with
  • Live in Wigan Borough

Text or email our friendly team with a brief description of your issue and we’ll get you the support you need.

Further help and support

Sight loss

Hearing loss

Help to live at home


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