Specialist Sensory Education Team (SSET)

The information on this page is aimed at professionals. If you are a parent and want information on what we do please see our:

What we do

We work collaboratively with schools to provide effective support for children with hearing loss and/or visual impairments to ensure that they can access the curriculum and achieve the best outcomes possible

Our support teachers provide support according to the individual needs of each child including:

  • Direct teaching support as required
  • Regular liaison with the SENCO and class teacher about the implications for access to the curriculum and advising on strategies and differentiation
  • Regular liaison with allocated school support staff and providing ongoing training in the support of a child with a hearing loss or visual impairments
  • Carry out an environmental audit of the environment providing recommendations to schools on modifications or equipment
  • Provide advice on any health and safety implications 

Specialist equipment  

  • Loan of specialist equipment or advice on equipment to be provided by school
  • Monitoring, maintenance and evaluation of specialist equipment
  • Advise on general classroom equipment to improve accessibility
  • Liaise with the Paediatric Audiology Team for updates on hearing levels and hearing aid settings
  • Regular hearing aid checks including hearing aid analyser checks OR cochlear implant or bone anchored hearing aid checks
  • Advise on, or arranging hearing aid repairs or replacements
  • Attend audiology appointments where appropriate
  • Radio aid checks (if provided)
  • Liaise with the ophthalmologist and/or orthoptist for updates on levels of vision and prescribed low vision aids
  • Monitor the use of prescription aids such as glasses and hand held magnifiers


  • Non-verbal abilities tests
  • Annual assessments of receptive and expressive vocabulary and language
  • Functional vision and listening assessments
  • Annual reading and spelling tests
  • Keyboard/typing skills
  • Mobility and independence needs
  • Advice on access arrangements for external examinations or assessments. These should also be in place as the normal way of working for a child and for internal school examinations or assessments.


We provide training for professionals including:

  • Whole school or small group training on the implications of hearing loss and/or visual impairment
  • Individual ongoing training on strategies to support a child
  • Annual courses for staff working with children with hearing loss and/or visual impairment

Our requirements

To provide effective support and advice our support teachers require:

  • Access to a quiet, well lit room to provide individual support and assessments
  • Regular meetings to discuss support and progress
  • Regular access to SENCO and/or class teacher
  • Regular liaison with allocated school support staff
  • Effective monitoring of the use of specialist equipment.

Referring a child

Medical professionals can make a referral to SSET if there is a hearing loss and/or visual impairment that could affect a child’s access to learning. Parents must always give permission before SSET can provide support.

Contact us to refer a child for our help


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