Obstructive parking

Vehicles parked in a way that is obstructive can cause annoyance to neighbours, problems with traffic flow and congestion, safety hazards, and even damage to pavements and grass verges.

What action can be taken?

Parking restrictions

Parking restrictions stop or limit, parking or waiting. They should be used as a last resort as they may not resolve the problem, but simply move the parked vehicles to another area. Examples of parking restrictions include:

  • Double or single yellow lines
  • Limited waiting area
  • Pay and display
  • Part-time or full-time taxi rank

We will only consider introducing parking restrictions as either:

  • A road safety measure on a main road
  • A way of reducing congestion on a main road.

We will not introduce parking restrictions within residential areas because traffic volumes in these locations are much lower than those on main roads. Residents should look to resolve parking issues amongst themselves and make sure they park in a considerate and safe manner.

Parking at junctions

Parking your vehicle at a junction can cause a major hazard as it reduces visibility for other motorists and pedestrians crossing the road.

The Highway Code advises drivers not to stop or park opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space. This allows motorists emerging from, or turning into, the junction a clear view of the road they are joining, enabling them to see hazards such as pedestrians or cyclists.

If you’re concerned about parking near junctions in your area, you can print off our warning leaflets and use these to target the affected area.

Parking on pavements (footways) or grass verges

Parking in a turning head or cul-de-sac

Wigan Council have no enforcement powers against vehicles parked in a turning head and we will not introduce parking restrictions if turning heads are located within residential areas - see parking restrictions.

Residents should look to resolve parking issues in a turning head amongst themselves and park in a considerate and safe manner.

Parking opposite the driveway entrance

Parking on an unadopted road, private street or alleyway

Private or unadopted streets are not maintained by the council.

These streets may be named and serve a number of properties, however we are not obligated to manage or maintain them. This includes dealing with any parking issues that may arise.

Some new housing estates have private streets and the responsibility of maintaining these areas lie with the housing developer.

Parking in front of my house

Wigan Council appreciate that people would like to park on the road outside their own homes, however nobody has the right to do so.

Local residents have no more legal right to park on the highway outside their homes than any other motorist whose vehicle is legally roadworthy.

We cannot introduce parking bays reserved for individual properties or residents, neither can we insist that residents park in their driveways.

Parked vehicles are blocking the view from my window

When larger vehicles, such as people carriers or vans, park on the street they can obstruct light or the view from a resident’s window.

Unfortunately, providing the vehicle is parked in a safe and legal manner, this is not an offence and the Council cannot take any action against this.


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