Coronavirus - Support for care providers

We recognise that providers may experience additional pressures and costs due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, so we have introduced a range of targeted financial and in-kind support measures to help them remain operationally and financially resilient.

We are required to publish the support being offered to providers of residential and domiciliary care services, as well as any other social care services. A summary of the measures detailed below has been communicated to all care providers operating in the borough. 

These measures complement the continuing support of Wigan teams and will be reviewed over the coming weeks.

Support measures for care homes

The following measures form part of a wider care home resilience plan developed by the Healthier Wigan Partnership to ensure that people living in care homes are safe and well cared for.

  • The direct purchase and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Support for extraordinary expenditure - we want to work with provider partners to understand the impact on costs for their home. Providers can request support for these costs using the template that has been circulated and submit it to
  • Support for provider cash flow, including a review of the need to adjust and accelerate payment schedules, alongside the strengthening of processing capacity to ensure prompt payment for care. We would encourage any provider partner with concerns regarding cash flow to get in touch to discuss how we can best support you by emailing
  • Investment in council staff to complement and reinforce workforce capacity within identified care homes
  • Support with recruitment though the #beacarehero campaign and the co-ordination of returning NHS professionals through the national campaign for nurses
  • Access to helpful advice and guidance on good practice for care home providers during the COVID-19 outbreak.

The measures outlined above are in addition to investment of 4.5% to 5% in contracted care home fees from April 2020 in response to inflationary pressures, agreed following engagement and consultation with local providers.

Support measures for home care

  • The direct purchase and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • The introduction of a minimum payment guarantee and accelerated fee investment alongside support for extraordinary expenditure
  • Support for provider cash flow including refining the way we pay for home care during the COVID-19 response period
  • Support with recruitment though the #beacarehero campaign.

Support measures for other provisions

  • The direct purchase and distribution of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • A commitment to pay on planned support within supported living, enabling providers to work flexibly to maximise capacity and ensure residents continue to get the essential care they need to stay safe and well in their own homes
  • Collaboration and partnership working across market areas to ensure the ongoing resilience of the workforce
  • Support for extraordinary expenditure incurred as a result COVID-19 alongside investment in day provision and transport
  • Support with recruitment though the #beacarehero campaign
  • Increased investment in personal assistant rates employed as part of a direct payment
  • Additional payment to all direct payment recipients to provide further reassurance and support any unexpected circumstances
  • A temporary increase in payment to shared lives champions.

Care support resilience support plan

The Council has worked with its health partners through the Healthier Wigan Partnership to develop the Care Home Support Resilience Plan in response to the challenge of Covid-19 in care homes.

The letter also provides a short overview of the work being undertaken locally to support our care homes.

Best practice guidance for care homes

We understand that care providers may experience additional pressures due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

With this in mind, we've put together some helpful advice and guidance for good practice within care homes.


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