Temporary event notice

Applying as an individual →

You must select the option Applying as an individual’ in section one of the application. 

Failure to complete the application correctly will result in this being returned.

If you want to hold an ad-hoc event you must give us a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) in writing, including online.

A temporary event notice can only be given by an individual and not, for example, by an organisation or club or business. The individual giving the notice is the proposed premises use and if you are a business, a club or an organisation then one individual will need to be identified as the proposed premises user.

Public register

Unfortunately the Licensing Section do not currently have an online public register available.

Please contact us online if you wish to check or confirm any licence, certificate or permit information. 

Any information that should be available via a public register will be provided upon request. Please be aware that it may take up to 3 working days to confirm any details in writing.

Eligibility criteria

10 clear working days is the minimum possible notice you can give when submitting a TEN, but you are encouraged to provide notice as early as possible so that we can make an early decision on whether to authorise your event.

Late Temporary Event Notices

There is also a ‘late’ TEN which can be given up to five clear working days but no earlier than nine clear working days before the event.

Late TENs are intended to be used by premises users who are required for reasons outside their control to, for example, change the venue at short notice. They should be used in exceptional circumstances.

A late TEN given later than five working days before the event will be returned as void and your activities will not be authorised.

If the premises where the event is to be held is in areas covered by two or more local authorities applications must be made to each authority.

Who can apply

A TEN may only be given by an individual and not by an organisation, club or business. The individual giving the notice is the proposed "premises user".

For businesses, clubs or organisations one individual will need to be identified as the proposed premises user.

You must be at least 18 years old to give a TEN and you can give a maximum of five standard TENs per calendar year if you do not hold a personal licence. If you are a personal licence holder, you can give a maximum of 50 TENs per calendar year.

You can submit two Late TENs per year if you do not hold a personal licence. Personal licence holders can submit 10.

Please note that late TENs count towards the overall total number of TENs you can give in a year.

If you give us any more TENs than you are allowed, we will issue a counter notice.


The number of times a TEN may be given for any particular premises is 15 times.

The maximum duration of an event authorised by a TEN is 168 hours (seven days).

The maximum total duration of the events authorised by TENs in relation to individual premises is 21 days.

What is included in the notice

The notice must state the:

  • Licensable activities proposed
  • Period of time for which it is proposed to use the premises (no more than 168 hours)
  • Times during which the licensable activities will take place
  • Maximum number of people to be allowed on the premises at the same time (no more than 499)
  • If alcohol will be sold, whether it will be for sale on or off the premises or both
  • Any other matters as may be prescribed.

If more than one event is applied for, there must be at least 24 hours between each event.

Application process

There is a fee attached to this notice which must be paid at the same time as you submit your application.

We will write to you to confirm we have received both your application and payment.

The law states that a copy of your application must also be sent to the police and to environmental protection officers. We will do this on your behalf.

The police and environmental protection officers may intervene on the grounds of any of the four licensing objectives which are:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder
  • Public safety
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Protection of children from harm.

They have a period of two working days to object from the day they receive the TEN. They may prevent the occurrence of an event at which permitted temporary activities are to take place or agree a modification of arrangements for the event.

Please note that following intervention from either the police and/or environmental protection officers there are significant differences in the procedures that may follow for standard and late TENS.

We will write to you to confirm we have received your application.

Standard TENs

Upon receiving an objection from the police and/or environmental protection officers, we may consider it necessary to hold a hearing to determine whether the event may proceed with or without modification, or to issue a counter notice.

In these circumstances, a decision must be made at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event.

However, as an alternative to the above proceedings, the police and/or environmental protection officers may wish to contact you to discuss their objections and try to come to some agreement which will allow the licensable activities to proceed. A TEN could then be modified depending on the outcome of those discussions.

In cases where the premises concerned is already covered by a premises licence or club premises certificate, subject to any objections made by the police and/or environmental protection officers, the licensing authority may approve the TEN and attach certain conditions currently applicable to the licence or certificate provided that the imposition of such conditions on the TEN would not be inconsistent with the carrying on of the licensable activities.

When attaching conditions to a TEN for existing licensed premises, the premises user will be issued with a ‘Notice (Conditions on a Temporary Event Notice) and a Statement of conditions’ (S016 of the Licensing Act). There is no right of appeal against this.

Should the police and/or environmental protection officers consider it necessary to object to a late TEN, the event will not be allowed to take place. Upon receiving such an objection we will issue a ‘Counter notice (Late Temporary Event Notice) (S104(2) of the Licensing Act) at least 24 hours before the event was due to start. There is no right of appeal against this.

Please note that there is no provision to attach conditions to a late TEN. If there are no objections from the police and/or environmental protection officers, the event will be allowed to go ahead on the terms of the notice However, if either object, the event will not be allowed to take place.

If permitted limits are exceeded in respect of TENs we may issue a ‘Counter Notice (Permitted limits)’ to you.

Will Tacit Consent apply?

Yes. You will be able to act as though your notice is granted if you have not heard from us after five working days. Where this is applicable, it will only apply for notices that are submitted electronically or if you can show proof of delivery. However you are advised to contact us to confirm your event has been approved.


Please contact us in the first instance.

If counter notice is given, you can appeal to the local Magistrates’ court within 21 days.

If no counter notice is issued, the chief police officer can appeal the decision at the local Magistrates court within 21 days.

Appeals may not be brought later than five working days from the day of the planned event.


© Wigan Council