Licensing Policy

Licensing Policy Statement 2022-2027 →

The new Licensing Policy Statement 2022-2027 has now been approved. Applicants should ensure they refer to this prior to submitting an application.

The Licensing Act 2003 requires the Council to prepare and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy at least once every 5 years. The policy is intended to provide information on the way in which Wigan Council will carry out its duties in accordance with the Act.

The 2022-2027 the policy has been revised giving particular attention to the impacts that COVID-19 has had on the entertainment and hospitality sector, and in response we have decided not to implement a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) at this time.

The previous cumulative impact policy for Wigan Town Centre and Leigh Town Centre has therefore been removed. 

This was approved by full Council on 20 July 2022 and will be subject to regular reviews, and therefore we cannot rule out that a Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) may be introduced in the future, if there was evidence available to support this.

We now wish to encourage operators to submit applications that fit with our core hours framework and with robust operating schedules, containing suitable conditions that promote the four Licensing Objectives, which are:

  1. Prevention of crime and disorder
  2. Public safety
  3. Prevention of public nuisance
  4. Protection of children from harm.

Core Hours Framework

The core hours framework is intended to apply to premises licences and club certificates when making the following applications:

  • New Applications
  • Variation Applications (to extend the hours for licensable activities - earlier and later in the case of the sale of alcohol). 

Existing premises will not be affected by the recommended framework unless there are good reasons for imposing restrictions following a variation or a review.

The location of a premises to residential properties should be considered, and where the premises is close to such properties we would expect applications to state the earlier times, as per the framework below.

Town Centres

  • Off Licensed Premises 
    • 8am - 11pm - Sunday to Saturday.
  • On Licensed Premises
    • 9am - 1am - Sunday to Thursday
    • 9am - 3am - Friday, Saturday and Bank Holidays.
  • Late Night Refreshment Premises
    • 1:30am - Sunday to Thursday
    • 3:30am - Friday, Saturday and Bank Holidays.

Residential Areas

  • Off Licensed Premises
    • 8am - 11pm - Sunday to Saturday.
  • On Licensed Premises
    • 9am - 12am - Sunday to Thursday
    • 9am - 1am - Friday, Saturday and Bank Holidays.
  • Late Night Refreshment Premises
    • 12:30am - Sunday to Thursday
    • 1:30am - Friday, Saturday and Bank Holidays.

Licence Conditions

Operators should use our model pool of conditions document to assist with completing a robust operating schedule.


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