Industrial and commercial noise

You can report industrial and commercial noise to us. We will investigate noise coming from:

  • Entertainment
  • Ventilation systems
  • Alarms
  • Factories
  • Construction and demolition
  • Music from shops, pubs and clubs.

What the council cannot investigate

We cannot investigate anonymous complaints as the law requires us to assess the impact that noise is having on the person who has complained, therefore anonymous complaints limits the enforcement action we can take. However, if you do wish to make a complaint anonymously we will still record the complaint.

What you can do

Before you contact us, we would advise you to discuss the noise issue early on with the persons/business responsible.

Often they simply do not realise they are causing a problem and the issue may be resolved quickly once they know.

You can find advice and tips on approaching a business or neighbour causing the noise by visiting  resolving neighbour disputes (external link).

However, if the problem continues, you can report it to us.

What we will do

We will contact the person/business to make them aware that a complaint has been raised and ask them to resolve the issue.

If this is unsuccessful, we may need to carry out noise monitoring which will require access to your property and you will be asked to keep records of how you are affected by the noise.

The investigating officer will then determine whether a statutory nuisance exists, or whether the business have demonstrated best practicable means.

If it is confirmed that a statutory nuisance exists, we have various legal powers to resolve the problem. This may include noise monitoring, serving enforcement notices on the person responsible for the noise nuisance, seizing equipment, and in some cases prosecution.

Taking your own action

If the council has investigated and cannot establish that a nuisance exists you can take your own action to the local Magistrates' court.


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