Grit bins

We can provide grit / salt bins on a self-help basis for some steep minor roads.

Apply for a new grit bin

To get a new grit bin:

Request a grit bin is moved, refilled or repaired

You can do this as a Wigan Borough resident or as a non-resident.

Who can get a grit bin?

We can supply a grit bin on a priority basis to help residents most affected by the icy conditions on the public highways in their area.

Due to the increase in demand for them we cannot service all requests so criteria includes:

  • Only provided on sites with difficult conditions e.g. steep hills, sharp bends, junctions etc.
  • There must be must sufficient space on the footpath or verge in order that the bin does not cause obstruction to pedestrians or traffic sight lines and the bin can be replenished safely
  • No bins will be provided to serve a road if that road is included in the precautionary salting route
  • No bins will be provided to serve a footway if that footway is included in the severe weather deployment plan
  • No bins will be provided on un-adopted roads
  • No bins will be provided for private areas or car parks for internal use by either council, public or private property such as schools, parks, hospitals, old people’s homes etc. unless a service level agreement is in place.

Grit bins will only be replenished during and immediately after periods of adverse weather as resources allow. Also, should a site prove problematic because of regular misuse of salt for the treatment of private driveways, or vandalism of a bin, we reserve the right to remove the bin.


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