Ukraine support - FAQs

The government have provided a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help answer any queries you may have about the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine).

We've also put together our own list of FAQs to cover the most relevant areas of concern.

Frequently asked questions

Do my property and DBS checks need to be completed before my guest(s) can travel?

No. The government have put in place a process to notify Council’s when visa applications have been approved under the Homes for Ukraine sponsor scheme and this will trigger the appropriate property and DBS checks to be made by the Council. We are monitoring the database closely and will take the appropriate actions once we receive the approvals.

Accommodation and DBS checks are not a pre-arrival hurdle and once a visa has been granted guests can travel to the approved location.

Checks will be undertaken on a best endeavour basis, but may not always be in advance of the guest(s) arrival.

How do I let you know once my guest(s) have arrived?

Please complete the support for Ukraine contact form to confirm details of their arrival.

When will I receive the first £350 'thank you' payment for being a sponsor?

You will receive a monthly payment directly into your bank account once all property and DBS checks have been completed and we have confirmed that your guest(s) has arrived at your property. Payments are made monthly in arrears and it is the responsibility of the sponsor to update us if the guest(s) move out of the property at any point. Please contact the support for Ukraine team to let us know of any change in circumstances and avoid any overpayments that will need to be recovered.

What do we do if the relationship between family / sponsor and guest breaks down or it is no longer possible for guests to stay at the property?

If you're here under the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme (Homes for Ukraine), you will need to complete the support for Ukraine contact form to confirm details of the current situation and one of our officers will make contact to discuss the next steps.

If you're here under the Ukraine Family Scheme, we as a Local Authority do not have a specific role in this scheme or access to government funding. However, we're committed to providing as much support and advice as we can and would advise the family to contact the private sector housing team for support with accessing a tenancy in the private rented sector as this will provide the fastest route to a new property. We also offer support with getting a deposit.

An alternative route, if the situation becomes untenable or if there is an immediate risk of homelessness, is to contact the homeless support team and request a homeless assessment.


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