Outdoor Markets Terms and Conditions

  1. To use the stand for the sole purpose as stated in the details of Allocation Form, (SS3) in a business like manner, at the discretion of the Council’s Markets Manager at the time of his appointed representative.
  2. The occupation of any stand for one or more markets in succession does not constitute a right for future use of that or any particular stand.
  3. Non attendance on an allocated stand for more than 3 consecutive weeks, other than for sickness or annual holidays, or by prior arrangement, shall constitute a voluntary termination by that trader of the allocation hereby granted.
  4. An aggregate of 10 or more absences from an allocated stand in any twelve month period, unless negotiated, may result in the loss of the stand.
  5. Subletting or assignment of an allocated stand is strictly prohibited and will result in the immediate re-allocation of the stand in the approved manner.
  6. The stand shall be occupied by not later than the appropriate allocation time on each market day.
  7. The Licensee shall keep the market free of refuse, where reasonably practicable, failure to comply with this condition shall result in the stand being re-allocated.
  8. The Licensee shall not exhibit or place any goods, articles or other things in any part of any passageway or aisle.
  9. The Licensee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Council from and against all actions, costs, claims or demands in respect of any accident, damage or injury to any person or their property arising directly or indirectly from the Grantees use of the stand and for this purpose to effect adequate insurance cover, proof of payment of premium to effect such cover to be made available on demand.
  10. The Licensee shall not sell goods other than those listed on the licence issued applicable to the said market.
  11. In the event of the Council cancelling or altering the days for holding any market, the Grantee shall have no claim whatsoever against the Council or any of it’s officers for any loss or damage occasioned thereby.
  12. The Licensee shall not obstruct any of the immediate access points to the said Market Hall or permit any vehicle to remain in any public area for any period longer than might be required for loading or unloading goods or wares.
  13. Where goods to be sold include foodstuffs the Licensee shall ascertain from the appropriate Council Officer, the requirements of any relative Act, and shall comply with all such regulations, including the provision and public display of the name and address of the Licensee or the identification number as advised.
  14. The Licensee shall not cause or permit any public or private nuisance upon the stand or anything which shall cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to the Council or their staff or to other traders attending the market.
  15. The Licensee shall not make any alterations or additions to any stall or shed without the previous consent of the Council acting through the Markets Manager or his representative.
  16. The Licensee shall not shout or cry his wares on stands designated for the purpose.
  17. The Licensee shall pay the charge for use of a stand on demand, and any such other charges as may from time to time apply.
  18. The Licensee will remove from the market any vehicle by not later than 9:30am (Wigan 8:30am) on any market day, no vehicle shall be brought back on to the market before 4:00pm on any market day unless by agreement with management in cases of inclement weather.
  19. The Council may, not withstanding this agreement, reasonably direct that the Licensee shall on any market day occupy any other stand in the said market.
  20. The Licensee shall comply with all relevant trading standards and consumer protection legislation.
  21. All regulations relating to the employment of children must be adhered to.
  22. The Licensee shall comply with all other rules and regulations that may from time to time apply.

Important Note

Before trading commences on the date as stated on the Details of Allocation Form, (SS3) traders are required to produce to the Markets Officer a certificate showing:

  1. Membership of the National Market Traders Federation or
  2. Valid insurance to cover public liability in the sum of not less than £2 million.

This document can be made available in a range of other languages and formats. For information contact Market Office on 01942 513163.


© Wigan Council