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Alcohol support

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Drinking too much alcohol can impact your life in many different ways.

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various health problems and is also associated with an increased risk of accidents, injuries, assault and domestic violence.

It can be easy for the number of units you consume over the course of the week to add up.

If you would like to reduce your alcohol intake, our Be Well health advisors are here to help in a number of different ways:

  • Advice and support to develop a personal health plan with achievable goals
  • Practical guidance on recommended daily alcohol intake
  • Helpful information about alcohol units
  • Free in-person appointments at community venues across our local neighbourhoods
  • Referral to more specialist support if you need it

Get in touch

If you would like support with alcohol consumption, you can complete our online referral form.

Alternatively, you call our team on 01942 404220 or email

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