Report a problem with a public right of way

A public right of way includes footpaths across land, bridleways and towpaths which may be used by horse riders, cyclists and walkers.

They don't include the pavements you find next to the road, problems with roadside pavements should be reported to highway maintenance.

If you find a problem with a public right of way such as an overgrown hedge blocking the way or a broken stile please report it to us.

Anti-social behaviour

If you encounter a problem on a public right of way such as behaviour that causes or is likely to cause concern, distress or harassment, for example:

  • Abusive intimidating language and behaviour
  • Excessive noise
  • Misuse by motorbikes/vehicles
  • Fly tipping

Then you can:

You can also report such incidents to the Greater Manchester Police on 0161 872 5050, making sure that you request a crime log number.

Without evidence of wrong doing the council and the police are not able to act, so it is important that you let us know of such problems.


© Wigan Council