Healthy Schools

A collaborative approach to whole school health and wellbeing.

The Healthy Schools programme is a framework based around a whole school approach to physical, social, emotional health and wellbeing. This programme supports you as a school to systematically develop and improve health outcomes and embed them into the culture of your school.

Primary and Secondary Schools

Our Commitment to Primary and Secondary schools are:

  • Promote healthy school activities that directly improve the health and wellbeing of school communities
  • Provide resources and opportunities that reduce health inequalities
  • Support frameworks that provide strong school cultures and healthier choices
  • Celebrate positive actions and identify next steps in provision.

Celebrate all the work Wigan schools are doing to support Health and Wellbeing by attending our annual celebration event.

Has your school had your Annual Conversation to create your individual health profile?

Further education

Healthy Schools News

Healthy Schools News provides schools with a monthly newsletter which is split into 3 sections.

The newsletter will provide up to date health and wellbeing information for pupils, staff and families. The newsletter will also provide schools and the school community an opportunity to see what initiatives or campaigns may be taking place that month to sign up to.

Does your school receive Healthy Schools News? If not, sign up using our online form.

Past News letters:

Parents and Carers Newsletters

Healthy School Celebration Event

Healthy Schools Celebration event is an opportunity to celebrate all the fantastic Health & Wellbeing work being done by all Wigan Schools. This is a chance to celebrate together, share your work and hear from children in your schools.

We hope you can join us to celebrate at our next celebration event, which will be 10th October 2024, hold the date in your diaries, your school invitation to follow.

To confirm your attendance using our online form.

School Nursing

We are the School Nurse Service for children and young people (5-19 years) who attend a Wigan Borough school or live in Wigan Borough and are educated at home.

CAHMS School Link Team

The School Link Team aims to prevent mental health difficulties developing for children and young people. Our school link practitioners support schools and educational staff in Wigan to develop knowledge, skills and confidence in identifying and supporting mental health in schools.

Our aim is to reduce stigma, develop whole school approaches to mental health, support early identification of mental health symptoms and raise awareness of self-help support and self-management strategies.

Our children and young people wellbeing practitioners (CYWPs) provide assessment and brief intervention (6 – 8 sessions) to young people experiencing low level and emerging mental health symptoms. 

These may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Worry
  • Stress
  • Exam Stress
  • Low mood/Self-esteem
  • Confidence.

Our CYWPs offer a range of low intensity interventions that are based on cognitive behavioural therapy and guided self-help. They aim to help young people and their parents/ carers in the self-management of their recovery.


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