Instrumental and vocal lessons

Our teachers visit nearly every school in the Wigan Borough each week to teach pupils how to sing or play an instrument.

About our lessons

Lessons are available on all traditional orchestral instruments as well as contemporary instruments like guitar, keyboard and drum kit.

For beginners, lessons usually take place in small groups but individual tuition is also available.

Lessons take place on the same day each week. We work with schools to make sure that pupils miss the smallest possible amount of time to do their music lessons. Parents pay school for the lessons.

Lessons are delivered by qualified instrumental specialists.

How to enrol

If you would like to enrol your child for instrumental or vocal lessons, please speak to your school office who will arrange the lessons with us on your behalf.

Your school will tell you when the lessons will start and on what day of the week. They will also collect the fee for the lessons.

For admin and timetabling reasons, some schools are unable to accommodate new students part way through a term, so try to make your enquiry ahead of a new term starting.


Lessons cost around £5.99 per week, though costs do vary from school to school depending on the specific arrangements in place and the tariff the school wishes to offer.


Our teachers can give support for GCSE and A-Level exams. Many pupils choose to work towards graded music exams from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Trinity or ‘Rockschool’ exam boards. Also, it's important to know, upper grade (6-8) success can count towards UCAS points.

Watch our short video below to find out more about starting to learn to play a musical instrument:


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