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Day opportunities

Wigan Council recognises that every individual’s unique ambitions and aspirations for their future are really important. We're keen to ensure people increase their independence and have ample opportunity to strengthen their skills and learn new ones.

On this page you'll find organisations that offer a range of day opportunities, including secure paid employment, volunteering, self-employment (including micro-enterprises) or engagement in community-based activities that will see you grow and increase your self-esteem and confidence.

Your allocated Social Care Officer or Social Worker will support you to understand and explore the best options for you.

Wigan’s Ethical Framework

As part of our commitment to high quality, sustainable day opportunities that meet the aspirations of our residents, we have established a preferred providers list called the 'Deal 2030: Care and Support Ethical Framework'.

This framework was co-designed with individuals accessing services, family members and stakeholder groups. Providers on the framework underwent a competitive process to demonstrate their values and aspirations for the individuals they support.

The framework has identified organisations that support individuals to progress at their own pace, which my involve learning new skills or maintaining the skills they have. For some it will include progressing to independence by accessing opportunities for volunteering and employment and learning daily living skills.

We're committed to working in partnership with framework providers to help ensure they provide the very best quality services. We're also working with providers who were not awarded a place on the framework. However, we intend to reopen the framework in the future and give providers the opportunity to re-apply.

Find a day opportunity

List of day opportunities
Day opportunity providerOn Wigan's Ethical Framework?
ACE (Adult Community Education) No
Amberswood Environmental Services No
Autism Initiatives No
Bee Cause We Care No
Bridgewater Day Care No
Connecting Together No
Excel in Life No
Green Crew Yes
Greenslate Community Farm No
Grow for Giving Yes
The Hamlet Yes
The HUB (Harmony, Unity and Belonging) Yes
Individualised Direct Support (IDS) service Yes
Just B.U. No
Midstream No
More Than Words Advocacy No
My Life Yes
One Vision Studios Yes
People First Support No
Positive Futures No
Reflections Yes
Steps Yes
The Grange No
Thrive Yes
True Colours Yes


ACE (Adult Community Education) provides pre-entry and entry level education and accredited qualifications for people aged 16 and over with learning disabilities. There are two teaching sites, in the town centres of Wigan and Leigh.

Students work on modules of their choice from the ASDAN curriculum as well as taking part in one-off activities and events. The learning programmes help people to learn, grow and achieve. Students work at their own pace and ability, and there is no pressure to complete activities or modules by a specific date or within a set time frame.

Each student has a learning plan which details their learning outcomes and includes statements of what the student is expected to know, understand, and do because of learning at ACE. These may vary considerably between individual students, based on their aspirations and needs.

Amberswood Environmental Services Ltd

Amberswood are a work-based skills and education provider, giving skills recognition, social skills and community presence. Work includes sorting, recycling and redistribution of a wide variety of consumer and environmental products.

Our client base target are those members of our community who have special needs and who would benefit from a friendly and relaxed education and work environment, which can promote the skills they have and teach them new ones.

Bee Cause We Care

Bee Cause We Care CIC is a small bespoke service which offers person centred support to adults with additional needs. The main objective of the organisation is to focus on the wellbeing of individuals, providing meaningful work activities whilst engaging with the wider community.

Bee Cause We Care promotes independence and supports individuals to develop existing skills and learn new ones. Sessions are planned with individuals taking the lead with decision making, setting new personal development targets and staff providing support to achieve these goals.

A large part of our service is developing gardening and horticulture skills, including growing plants for community projects and volunteer organisations and maintaining the gardens of vulnerable and elderly members of the community. Other activities on offer include woodwork, vehicle / equipment maintenance, health and wellbeing, arts and crafts, numeracy and literacy skills.

By creating real life work experience in a community setting, learners are equipped with employability skills and formal qualifications.

Connecting Together CIC

Connecting Together are a day service for individuals with varying disabilities, including challenging behaviour and autism. We work in partnership with local authorities and other organisations to enable positive outcomes.

Opportunities build on people's confidence, skills and development which enables them to lead a more independent life. This is done by providing daily living skills and activities suited to their needs and ability. Individuals and their families are able to choose what they would like to do and are fully involved with any decision making within their support plan.

Connecting Together are based at Golborne Enterprise Park.To find out more, you can:


CORE CIC in Orrell is a community interest company and non for profit, specialising in providing a quality day service for adults with learning/physical disabilities and autism.

CORE CIC provide opportunities to meet others in a supportive safe environment. This enables individuals to enjoy independence and get involved in a range of person-centred activities.

CORE CIC have worked in partnership forging local and national alliances with organisations that share their values, and empower people, and have a high ratio of dedicated friendly staff who are fully qualified within the social care sector.

For more information, you can:

Excel in Life CIC

Excel in Life CIC offer an individualised programme based on individual interests and needs, whilst supporting you in very small groups to help you achieve your goals and ambitions.

There are many activities on offer, specialising in hair and beauty, graphic design, video editing, crafting, cooking and more. We have a fully equipped hair and beauty salon and a bistro, providing realistic working environments to help you gain valuable skills for work.

We've run a successful pilot scheme for supported work placements and look forward to expanding this in the near future.

All people with a personal budget are eligible. We also offer an alternative curriculum for school-aged students discussed on an individual basis.

Green Crew

Green Crew is based at Lilford Park in Leigh and St Peters Pavilion in Wigan, we offer opportunities to make a real difference to your community. You will:

  • Meet new friends and be part of a great team helping others
  • Visit and work outside in the countryside, canals, parks, gardens, orchards, vegetable gardens, green spaces, and peoples’ gardens
  • Grow fruit, vegetables, plants and flowers
  • Help the environment and get healthy
  • Learn loads of new skills
  • Use power tools and hand tools, and travel in vans

To find out more about the Green Crew and how to get involved call Mark on 07702490209 or visit the Green Crew website (external link)

Greenslate Community Farm

Greenslate offers the therapeutic use of farming practices, providing supervised, structured and bespoke care for adults from age 18 with additional needs. We provide a strong mix of being in nature, part of a group and taking part in meaningful work.

Work involves routine tasks on the farm and person-centred tasks specifically designed to enrich and broaden the overall experience on the farm. Activities include:

  • Animal care and therapy
  • Horticulture
  • Walking groups
  • Woodland activities
  • Farm maintenance
  • Cafe placements

To find out more about Greenslate Care Farm and how to get involved call 01695 632290 or email c.mcnicholas.gcf@gmail.com

Visit the Greenslate Care Farm website (external link)

Grow for Giving

Grow for Giving offer a unique experience in modern day care activities for people living with dementia, Alzheimer's, autism, mental health problems, physical and learning disabilities.

Grow for Giving are multi-generational with people attending our day care from the age of 18 years to 92 years and beyond! People of all ages mix and share their time together.

Day care facilities include fully wheelchair accessible pathways, growing beds, poly tunnel, eco -friendly toilet and washroom and a warm and cosy cabin to relax, eat, socialise and do activities in on rainy days.

There is also a Zen Den cabin, filled with resources for people to express themselves through various arts and crafts as well as relaxation, meditation, reiki healing and massage. To find out more, you can:

The Hamlet

Offering young adults with additional needs a 6 year programme in a supportive work-related environment to develop skills linked with a range of different vocations. It aims to integrate young people within their local area, supporting them to work, develop and progress both within and as part of the wider community.

The Hamlet now has a permanent home at The Three Sisters Nature Reserve in Ashton in Makerfield. These new premises boast a fully equipped café (The Nest) and printing and graphic studio (Lakeside Printing).

These businesses serve the local community with our trainees taking the lead - serving customers and preparing drinks at The Nest and designing and producing personalised gifts to order, including canvases, mugs, t-shirts, jigsaws and more, in Lakeside Printing.

Trainees are also offered the opportunity to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Silver and Gold), equipping them with skills for the future and providing another opportunity to grow in independence.

The Harmony, Unity and Belonging (HUB) CIC

The HUB offers day provision for all adults living within the Leigh, Atherton and Tyldesley area, providing a safe and fun filled environment with a person-centred approach.

Free taster days and home visits are available on request - all are welcome. The HUB also offers work experience for adults wanted to return to work and students looking for placements. We have an open door policy. To find out more and to get involved, you can:

Individualised Direct Support (IDS) services

IDS services CIC offer support services for people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues. We are a 'fully inclusive service' which is tailored to meet individual needs.

We have two service areas, one in Hindley Green and one in Golborne. We're passionate about providing services that promote independence and ensure people have real choice and control when choosing activities that best meet their ambitions and aspirations, whilst ensuring they meet their own real outcomes.

Our ethos is to provide a high-quality, 'person-centred' service that is delivered with integrity and honesty.

If you're interested in any of the following offers, call Diane on 07504984164, email dianne@idsservicescic.co.uk or visit the IDS service website (external link).

  • Our Day service offer provides experiences which stimulate, engage and empower individuals and enable them to play a positive and active role within their local communities. Activities include creative art, interactive screen work, Skype groups and quizzes, Our Kitchen Café, photography, fishing, construction and build, basic cooking and baking, accessing local community groups and more
  • Our Outreach service offer gives people an alternative to day services so that they have their service from home, this can involve developing their skills and independence within their own home or out and about accessing community activities of their choice, when they want, how they want, at what time they want
  • Our Respite service offer provides an alternative to 'traditional respite' for people who need a more personalised bespoke service. We match with people or families who offer flexible working with the person and their families so the individual can choose when, where and how
  • Our Gaming Club offer is a safe, friendly environment where people with LD and Autism can enjoy and share the same interests and buddy up safely with fellow gamers
  • Our Tech Workshop offer is a free 6-12 week course for school leavers, people with little or no services who wish to improve their skills and knowledge around accessing the internet safely, building IT confidence, cyber safety, basic literacy skills and interactive and social skills
  • Our Open Awards offer provides personalised programmes where people can work towards an Open Award Accreditation for independence, pre-employment / travel skills, which is a nationally recognised qualification. We also support you to identify work opportunities (paid / unpaid) to achieve your goals and aspirations
  • Our 'Team Build It' offer is a service that has organically grown from two people with a common interest of building 'flat pack furniture' - this has made them more independent and increased their feeling of self-worth. We are looking to develop the service as a social enterprise or self-employment opportunity where people can learn new skills. We would like to offer the service to people who are unable to do it themselves.

Just B.U. CIC

Just BU C.I.C delivers support and enables individuals with disabilities to lead ordinary lives and feel included in their community.

People are supported by trained employees, service designed strategies and using the core values of social care. Services can be commissioned via your local authority using direct payments, personal budgets or by arrangement with the company.

Just BU works in partnership with local authorities, using safeguarding procedures and working in line with government legislation, with high safe working practices to enable people’s independence and inclusion. Just B.U delivers services that offer structured routines, building people’s confidence and skills, and broadening people's experiences and opportunities.

The service offers choice, control, teamwork, decision making and fun activities on and off site.


Midstream offers alternative day care and support for those disadvantaged through learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other complex needs, allowing them to make their own contribution to the world of work and access appropriate training to achieve nationally recognised work-based qualifications.

The whole focus of Midstream is to give these young people and adults the opportunity for progression and social interaction in their working life. Midstream help them to acquire skills, experience and accreditations towards nationally recognised qualifications according to their individual needs. The emphasis is on making a contribution in a 'real life' working environment to enhance the quality of lives for all that take part.

More Than Words Advocacy

More Than Words Advocacy is based in Wigan and provides a range of person-centred activities for adults with a range of social needs, communication and learning difficulties, and other health conditions such as autism and mental health issues.

Using drama, music, dance, poetry, singing and other creative activities, people are helped to develop their confidence and social skills, express themselves and achieve their aspirations.

My Life

My Life is a charity which equips people with what they need to live happy, fulfilled lives in their own communities. Through My Life opportunities, people can learn skills and develop relationships to help live a good life and make friends along the way!

Join the adult programme for people with additional needs and those who need support and you’ll receive your own personalised plan of exciting opportunities, including workshops held by talented artists and craftspeople, animal care, bushcraft, horticulture, catering, sports, retail experience, social enterprise and more.

You’ll also get regular progress reviews. Whether at the Standish site, set on 84 acres of green land with our own cafe, or at My Life’s home at Leigh Sports Village, with state-of-the-art facilities, or even out in the community, My Life focuses on what’s important to you!

People of all ages and abilities are eligible, including people with special educational needs and disabilities.

One Vision Studios CIO

Living a great life, fulfilling your dreams and having fun while you do it is at the heart of everything One Vision do. One Vision offer a range of programmes and activities to enrich people’s lives, develop independence, knowledge and skills and improve community inclusion.

We specialise in film and media, and performing arts and have a state-of-the-art cinema on site. A wide range of other areas of interest and study include:

  • Catering and hospitality
  • Construction and task masters
  • Cleaning / laundry
  • Groundwork and horticulture with the One Vision Rangers
  • Skills for independence, vocational and employability
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Hair and beauty, make up and character creations
  • Sewing and textiles, creative writing, art and Crafts
  • Music, photography and much more

Staff are professionally trained and experienced in the care and education sectors and are proactive in setting targets that will support members towards person centred, meaningful outcomes and personal goals.

One Vision have worked with people aged over 16, with a wide range of disabilities and learning difficulties for over 20 years and are proud to state that in 2021 they were one of only 11 providers across the borough who were awarded the Care and Support Ethical Framework Quality Kitemark from Wigan Council.

We have a safe, happy and creative ethos across our fully accessible site, with an open door policy and we actively listen to the needs of the member and their family. We're open 51 weeks of the year, Monday to Friday and we are based close to Robin Park and the Wigan Rugby / Football stadium.

People First Support

People First Support is a daytime support service with lots of experience working alongside people with learning disabilities, and helping them to have a good life. Individuals are supported to:

  • Do more things for themselves
  • Have more choices and control
  • Make friends and have fun
  • Find out about leisure activities
  • Get help writing a plan on what they want to do.

To find out more about People First Support and how to get involved call Michelle Lowson on 01924 728748 or email Michelle@wlpf.org.uk

You can also visit the People First Support website (external link).

Steps CIC

Steps CIC was established in 2011 and was the first of its kind to be set up in the borough of Wigan, providing opportunities for both male and female adults with a learning disability.

Steps CIC are a vibrant, professional and forward-thinking service, where the achievement and personal development of each individual is recognised and celebrated. They believe that all our attendees deserve the very best opportunities that enable them to reach their full potential.

A varied selection of activities is offered, including:

  • Art and design, textiles, photography, hair and beauty
  • Woodwork and construction
  • Car wash and valeting
  • Gardening, floristry
  • Independent living skills
  • Food and nutrition, sports and leisure
  • Fishing and more.

Accredited learning is also offered through Open Awards, a nationally recognised qualification. Qualifications include skills for further learning for employment and independent living, as well as units across a wide range of educational settings.

True Colours CIC

True Colours supports people with autism, learning disabilities, and mental health. Working closely with families and other professionals to help create individual outcome focused programmes of need, this can include:

  • Development of communication skills in partnership with speech and language therapists, behaviour management plans, and social inclusion plans
  • Support ratios are based on assessed need and are flexible and can be intensified at certain times of the day for certain activities
  • Accredited learning is offered through Open Awards, a nationally recognised qualification. Qualifications also include skills for further learning, employment, independent living skills and lots of other subjects
  • True Colours uses a blended, flexible approach of support in different environments to meet your needs - from accessing our community base in Leigh, within your voluntary or employment role, within your own home or as an outreach service provided by a highly trained, qualified support team
  • Through 'Employable Me' True Colours offers a 24-week course of workshops, including work experience, to prepare you for the world of work. Working on your independence and supporting you to apply, prepare and attend interviews, through to gaining employment. Individuals are supported in the workplace for up to 12 months
  • True Colours are CQC registered and can provide a personal assistant service for those wishing to be supported at a time that suits their needs from social and leisure activities to weekends away

True Colours is a Community Interest Company, so all surplus income is used to create further opportunities that benefit people with autism and the community.

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