How to report anti-social behaviour (ASB)

We're here to support residents to address anti-social behaviour in a dignified, tolerant and supportive way -  check out our good neighbour guide.

We ask you to complete diary sheets BEFORE reporting an issue to us. We are very limited in how we can investigate complaints if we do not receive diary sheets.

Before you report anti-social behaviour, you should attempt the following:

1) Speak to your neighbour

Reporting an issue with your neighbour before approaching them to discuss it can cause resentment and make resolving the situation more difficult.

If it's safe to do so, you should talk to your neighbour in the first instance to try and resolve the issue. This is often the best tactic and can prevent things from escalating. It's advisable to do this after the event and not while it's ongoing when emotions are running high. Your neighbour may not even realise they are causing you problems - see advice on how to approach a neighbour.

Make sure you note down the date and time of the conversation.

If you don’t feel able to have the conversation with the other party, why not ask a friend or relative to speak in a friendly manner on your behalf.

2) Write to your neighbour

If you are concerned about physically approaching your neighbour, consider writing them a friendly letter to outline the issues that are affecting you. Remember, they may not be aware of the impact they are having on you.

Alternatively, why not send them one of our Dear Neighbour Cards, to highlight the issues you are concerned about.

Make sure you note down the date and time the letter/card is sent and retain a copy.

3) Complete diary sheets

Keeping a record of the times, dates and a description of what has happened is essential and should be completed before you report the matter to us. This helps us understand the issue and assists us in formulating the next appropriate course of action with you.

We are very limited in how we can investigate complaints if we do not receive diary sheets.

  • Download a noise diary - follow the instructions on the diary sheets carefully as this may become an important piece of evidence for your case in the future.

If a resident is unable to read/write for any reason, including additional vulnerabilities, dictaphones can be loaned instead of diary sheets -  contact us to arrange this.

How long should I complete diary sheets before I report the issue?

  • 7 days - if alleging a daily occurrence
  • 14 days - if alleging several times, a week
  • 28 days - if alleging several times, a month.

4) Download 'The Noise App' (version 2.0)

The Noise App (version 2.0) is available for Apple and Google Play devices. It instantly records noise nuisance on your smartphone to create an accurate record of the problem and how it affects you. You can also keep a personal ‘Noise Diary’ in the App, which will help you review your recordings.

Once you have recorded your evidence, you can send it directly to Wigan Council via the Noise App (version 2.0) for it to be reviewed and investigated as appropriate. When creating your account on the App, you will need to select Wigan Council as your service provider/investigator when prompted.

The recordings are uploaded directly onto a secure site for us to access and decide what action is necessary. You can make up to 10 recordings in any 24-hour period and each recording lasts for up to 30 seconds. 

The Noise App (version 2.0) also enables you to submit photographs and up to 5 videos of 60 seconds in duration to support your report, whether that be a Noise complaint or other issue related to anti-social behaviour.

How to create a Noise App (version 2.0) account

Report the issue to us

If after following the recommended steps the situation has not improved, you can report it to us. You will need to:

We will request that you forward us copies of the information you have gathered so that we can review your case. We are very limited in how we can investigate complaints without this supporting information and we encourage you to upload these when making the report to us.

We will then review the case, aiming to make contact with you within 3 working days to arrange a face to face meeting.

What if it's an emergency?

If someone is in immediate danger, please call 999 now.

Contact the Wigan safeguarding teams if you're concerned about the welfare of a neighbour or if you're worried about the safety of a child.

If it's not an emergency but a crime-related incident contact Greater Manchester Police by calling 101 or reporting it online (external link).

If you want to provide information about an incident anonymously, report it to CrimeStoppers online or call 0800 555 111.


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