Anti-social behaviour case review (also known as Community Trigger)

We have powers to tackle anti-social behaviour and a duty to ensure that all local agencies are working together effectively to take the right action to meet the needs of victims.

This means that individuals, groups or businesses can now request a review of how the Community Safety Partnership have responded to their complaints and have dealt with their case. This is called an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review (it may also be referred to as the Community Trigger).

When can you ask for an ASB case review?

You can ask for an ASB case review if:

  • You have reported 3 separate incidents to any local agency, relating to the same or similar issue of ASB, within the last 6 months.

Local agencies may include Greater Manchester Police, Wigan Council or a housing association.

How to request a review

Before requesting a case review, please be aware that if you are dissatisfied with an individual agencies service response, the ASB case review process does not replace individual organisations’ own complaints procedures.

If you think that your situation meets the criteria, you can request a review of your case in a number of ways, including:

You will need to provide details of:

  • Each time you have complained
  • Who you have complained to (name of officer/s, if known, details of the organisation and/or any reference numbers)
  • Information about the anti-social behaviour - It is important you provide us with as much information as possible to allow us to investigate your case effectively.

If a victim has a language or literacy issue or will have trouble completing a form, we will accept applications by phone or in person, but we will require a signed consent from them before any investigation can take place.

What happens next?

You will be sent an acknowledgement within three working days of receipt of your application.

We will contact you again within five working days to let you know whether you have met the criteria and outline what will happen next.

If your case meets the criteria:

  • A review panel will gather all the information relating to your cases and will meet to discuss them including what actions have been considered and taken
  • The group will review how the partnership has responded and make recommendations on additional actions that can be taken to resolve the problem
  • If no further action is required we will explain the reasons why we have reached that decision
  • We aim to let you know the outcome of the review within 19 working days of your application.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the right to appeal the decision of the review panel. You can do so either in writing or by email to the addresses above. You will need to explain the reason why you are unhappy with the decision.

ASB case review data

To ensure transparency, we have a duty to publish anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review data covering:

  • The number of applications for ASB case reviews received
  • The number of times the threshold for review was not met
  • The number of ASB case reviews carried out
  • The number of ASB case reviews that resulted in recommendations being made.

The data must be published at least annually, although we may at times wish to publish data more frequently, or to publish additional details.


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