Neighbourhood Plan support

Technical and financial support is available to Neighbourhood Forums and Parish Councils from a range of sources. We have a statutory duty to support and advise, this includes:

  • Providing initial advice on the process, legislation and relevant information to consider in deciding to and preparing a Neighbourhood Plan
  • Reviewing the project plan and advising on timescales
  • Advising on the strategic policies in the Local Plan
  • Making available any existing evidence held by the council and reviewing any additional evidence produced by or on behalf of the Neighbourhood Forum
  • Producing maps
  • Carrying out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) screening to determine whether the plan needs a full SEA report
  • Advising on sustainability issues
  • Reviewing policies in the draft plan
  • Advising on whether the plan meets the basic conditions.

We will not write the plan or policies within it or carry out additional expert analysis on behalf of the Forum.

We will meet with groups as often as is required.

Other support

  • My Community (external link) - support to communities through the government for technical support (for Housing Needs Assessments, Masterplanning, etc.) or for grant funding (grants are available of up to £15,000 per community group)
  • Planning Aid (external link) - work with Neighbourhood Planning groups to provide technical and professional input
  • My Community Network Hub (external link) - a platform for communities engaging in Neighbourhood Planning to share experiences and network.

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