Abram Neighbourhood Plan

Abram Communities Together (external link) is a community group designated as the Neighbourhood Forum for an area similar to the Abram Ward. Further information is available on Neighbourhood Plans in the borough - background documents and information.

Consultation on Proposed Abram Neighbourhood Plan

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Wigan Council is now consulting on the proposed Abram Neighbourhood Plan until 23:59 on Tuesday 27 August 2024.

You can view the Plan and the associated documents below:

A paper copy of the documents can also be viewed at Platt Bridge Community Library.

At this stage, comments on the proposed plan are limited to whether the plan fulfils ‘basic conditions’ as required by paragraph 8 (1) (a) (2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (external link). In summary, these state that the Neighbourhood Plan must:

  • Have regard to national policy
  • Contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
  • Be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area, and
  • Be compatible with EU obligations and human rights law.

If you would like to comment on the Plan, please submit your comments by email at planningpolicy@wigan.gov.uk before the end of the publicity period.

Next steps

Following the consultation, all comments will be sent directly to an independent examiner who will assess the Plan taking all comments submitted into account. The examiner will provide a report to Wigan Council and Abram Communities Together making recommendations on the Plan and stating whether the Plan may proceed to referendum.

Once this decision and any amendments have been made a referendum will be held in Abram Ward where you can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the Plan becoming part of the Development Plan for the borough. Further information is available on our Neighbourhood Plan process webpage.


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