Childcare sufficiency

The Childcare Act 2006 and the ‘Early Education and Childcare’ statutory guidance 2014 require all Local Authorities to produce a report showing how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare.

Childcare sufficiency can be defined as ensuring the provision of adequate childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable, that is flexible, sustainable and responsive to the needs of families, thus enabling parents to find childcare that meets their needs and allows them to make real choices about family life and work. If any gaps are identified, where reasonably practicable, Wigan Local Authority will commission childcare services in order to ensure there is sufficient childcare.


In certain instances, in order to fill a gap or demand for childcare, we may advertise for childcare providers to deliver childcare for a particular age range or within a demographic area.

In these cases revenue funding may be available to assist with the initial set up costs for the new provision however this funding is not guaranteed and is subject to availability and meeting a set of criteria.

Details of new commissioning projects will be listed on this page when they are available.

Current Commissioning Projects

There are no currently no live commissioning projects at this time.

Wigan Early Education Entitlement and Wraparound Expansion Programmes

If you would like to discuss or require further information regarding childcare sufficiency or developing childcare places please contact early learning and childcare.


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