Lightshaw Meadows

Lightshaw Meadows is an area of open countryside and a beautiful mosaic of wetlands located in the heart of Abram Flashes in Wigan's Greenheart.

The land has been created over many years from mining subsidence. It is a stunning example of how Wigan's industrial heritage has shaped the local landscape.

Lightshaw Meadows covers an area of 18 hectares, 13 hectares of which has been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). However, over the last few decades, the SSSI has gradually deteriorated into ‘unfavourable' condition as categorised by Natural England.

Over the past three years, the Community Forest North West and Lancashire Wildlife Trust, have been working together to restore the area and transform it to a ‘favourable' condition. This will improve the area for a number of bird species including yellow wagtail, lapwing, willow tit and other creatures such as bats, water voles and invertebrates.

Key Habitats

  • Open water
  • Swamp
  • Wet marshy grassland
  • Parts of the site and most of the surrounding land is farmed and grazed by the Lancashire Wildlife Trust with rare breed cattle.

Conservation activities

The development of the site offers a great opportunity for the local community to get involved and learn about the natural and industrial heritage of the area.

This includes tree planting days, nature walks and education work in schools, which teaches children the important industrial and environmental heritage of the area. And, crucially, it will play an increasingly important role in our future as we battle flooding and climate change.

Jubilee Legacy Walks

To celebrate the Queen's Jubilee Celebrations of 2012, a series of 15 Legacy Walks were developed ranging from 1 to 9 miles. Each walk in Wigan Borough's green space is recognised by Silver, Gold and Diamond accreditation.


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