I'm a Parent

Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) for SEND

The Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) role was introduced under the Section 3.48 of the SEND Code of Practice. The role is multi-functional and should provide scrutiny and assurance around health services meeting their statutory duties for SEND.

What does the DCO do?

The DCO plays a key role in ensuring that health services are fully engaged and meeting their requirements around SEND and legislation across Wigan Borough.

The DCO works with people aged 0-25 years with SEND and with all partners, including parent carers, youth voice, health, care, education and the voluntary sector.

The DCO has 4 main functions:

  • Oversight - do we recognise SEND and act early? Are we inclusive? Are we getting it right? Decision making?
  • Assurance - scrutiny, accountability, Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), audit, support, local offer
  • Strategic - how are we doing in health, do we meet the legislation for SEND? Are we commissioning for SEND? Are we inclusive?
  • Championing - co-production, support, liaison, advice, co-working, engagement.

Who does the DCO work with?

Our DCO works with health professionals, social care and education colleagues, parent carer forum, youth voice, the voluntary sector, and other colleagues across the northwest and nationally who work in SEND.

The DCO’s work includes providing support and advice and acting as a liaison. They also scrutinise and seek assurance that together we are recognising and making a difference for our children and young people with SEND.

Who is the DCO for Wigan Borough?

Across Wigan Borough we have 1 full-time DCO, that works between Monday to Friday.

If you have any queries for our DCO you can email gmicb-wb.send@nhs.net

Where possible, please do not leave personal information, but a brief summary and your best contact details so that we can contact you back.

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