Council Tax Reduction - Disputes and appeals

If you are unsure how your Council Tax Reduction has been calculated, there are a number of steps you can take.

Ask for an explanation of the decision

This is known as a ‘written statement of reasons’. If you would like us to explain how we have made a decision about your Council Tax Reduction, you can either:

You must do this within one calendar month of the date you received the decision letter.

Ask for us to look at the decision again

If you disagree with any part of the decision or you have additional information to tell us, you must first write to the council telling us why you think the decision is wrong. To do this, you can either:

You must do this within one calendar month of the date you received the decision letter.

We will then write to you to let you know whether the decision has been changed.

Appeal the decision

If we have looked at the decision again and you still disagree, you have two months to appeal directly to the Valuation Tribunal Service yourself. You can either:

Please note: You can only appeal your Council Tax Reduction decision if you have first asked the council to look at your decision again.


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