
Cremation now accounts for over 70% of all funerals in the UK. Wigan Council has recently invested over £750,000 at Wigan Crematorium to meet this continuing demand.

No one can be cremated until the appropriate medical certificates are provided and the statutory forms completed with an original signature.

How is a cremation arranged?

Cremation regulations are complex and so it’s wisest to approach a funeral director immediately after death occurs to begin arrangements. You can discuss with them when the cremation should take place, who you would like to officiate, as well as the form of service and any musical requirements.

Religious or civil ceremonies can be conducted, or no ceremony at all.

The funeral director will then obtain the necessary statutory forms for the cremation. This includes the Cremation 1 form, which you will need to sign if you are:

  • The executor
  • The next of kin
  • Authorised by either the executor or next of kin to do so.

The death will have to be registered and you will be advised on how to do this. Although the cost of cremation is generally less than a burial, there are additional fees for medical certificates.

If you plan to arrange a cremation without a funeral director, please contact  bereavement services.

For information on how we can help you manage the cost of a funeral,  see our residents funeral service.

What happens on the day of the funeral?

The coffin is brought into the chapel followed by the mourners in procession and accompanied by musical arrangements of your choice. While it is being placed on the catafalque (a wooden framework that supports the coffin) the mourners take their seats and the service proceeds.

The chapel contains a plasma screen TV that can be used by families to display photos of the deceased through the service or at a point of reflection within the service.

When the committal of the body takes place, the coffin may be lowered or left in position on the catafalque, depending on your preference. At the end of the service, mourners leave the chapel while the chosen musical arrangements play and may view the floral tributes before departing.

After the funeral

All cremations are carried out within 24 hours of the service and on the same day where families specifically request this. Wigan crematorium has hygienic chilled storage facilities for the deceased where cremation is not on the same day.

The coffin is withdrawn into a committal room where a name plate is carefully checked by the crematorium staff to ensure the correct identity – nothing is removed from the coffin.

After cremation, the remains are withdrawn to a cooling area and into a special container, where ferrous metals like nails and screws are removed. The ashes are usually ready for collection within 24 hours or the next working day and will be released with a Certificate of Cremation.

What to do with the cremated remains

Ashes can be scattered in a garden of remembrance or in a favourite spot (with the land owners permission). They can be buried in a church yard or cemetery, or be kept in an urn.

If you require that we care for your loved one at one of our cemeteries then arrangements can be made for a simple scatter or a more elaborate memorial or plaque.

  • To buy one of our memorials online please visit our memorial services shop and select the cemetery you wish to use.

Our cemeteries will hold cremated remains for up to one month whilst arrangements are made. Arrangements for other locations may mean that ashes are stored for no longer than a week.

Photo tribute and webcast services

In addition to music services, Wigan Crematorium also now offer our visual tributes and webcast services. Our large screen can display professional photo tributes, slideshows, and single photos.

High definition cameras are in place so that the service can be viewed live from a PC, laptop or other device, or viewed after the service for up to 28 days.

Photo tributes

Price list
Single photo A single photo shown throughout the service Free of charge
Simple slideshow A simple slideshow of up to 25 photos, played on a loop throughout, at a time the family chooses Free of charge
Professional photo tribute A professional photo tribute of up to 25 photos, set to music of your choice and played once, at a time the family chooses £20 inc VAT
Family supplied video checking Checking and preparation of a video supplied by the family or a third-party, played once, at a time the family chooses Free of charge 
Extras For each extra 25 photos, video editing, an extra 30 minutes custom work or any major departure of the norm etc. £20 inc VAT

Webcast services

Price list
Live A high-quality live webcast, viewed via our secure and easy-to-use website £32 inc VAT
Live and 28 days 'watch again' The live webcast, plus access to a recording of the webcast to watch again for a further 28 days £48 inc VAT
Physical copy (DVD/Blu-ray/USB stick) A recording of the webcast on a DVD, Blu-ray, or USB memory stick, in a customised case £55 inc VAT

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