Health column

Welcome to our Health column

The columns are published regularly from the borough's different health organisations.

  • Staying well this winter - Rachael Musgrave
    It's that time of year again; longer nights, cosy jumpers and getting together with family and friends to celebrate. It's also the time of year when illnesses spread quickly and easily so it's important to make sure we're all prepared to stay well this winter.
    Wednesday 1st November 2023
  • Taking time to reflect on wellbeing this autumn - Rachael Musgrave
    September heralds the beginning of autumn. A time for cosy jumpers, getting outdoors to enjoy the autumnal changes and for togetherness and connection as we settle into new routines after the summer. It's also when we come together to think about how we're feeling during the Month of Hope.
    Thursday 21st September 2023
  • School Summer Holidays – the halfway mark - Rachael Musgrave
    This week marks the halfway point of the school summer holidays. Six weeks can be a long time without the usual routine structured around the school day and it can be a challenging time for children and adults alike.
    Thursday 10th August 2023
  • The illegal sale of e-cigarettes is harming our children - Rachael Musgrave
    E-cigarettes, or vapes as they've become known, were developed to help people to stop smoking - one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK and here in Wigan Borough. However, whilst e-cigarettes can be an effective quitting tool for smokers, it is not risk free, particularly for people who have never smoked.
    Thursday 20th July 2023
  • If you are struggling there is always someone here to help - Rachael Musgrave
    At the end of the month the largest suicide awareness and prevention campaign will bring the 'Baton of Hope' to Greater Manchester as part of a tour of cities across the country.
    Friday 9th June 2023
  • Stopping Smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health - Rachael Musgrave
    Wigan has more smokers than many parts of the country, but recent data has shown that the borough also has one of the highest proportion of people looking to kick the habit.
    Wednesday 17th May 2023
  • Managing stress and anxiety - Rachael Musgrave
    Stress impacts us all – if you are facing too much, it can be debilitating; causing or aggravating health problems, leading to poor mental health and affecting our relationships with others.
    Wednesday 5th April 2023
  • Cancer Screenings can help save lives - Rachael Musgrave
    Data shows that one in two of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives but in many cases the outcomes can be significantly better with early detection, so this month I am urging everyone to take up the offer of screening when eligible.
    Thursday 23rd February 2023
  • Get the best start to the New Year - Rachael Musgrave
    It's a new year and for many of us that means it's the time for making exciting plans, taking on new challenges, and getting healthier. Staying well throughout winter will help us all to enjoy the things we love, and want, to do.
    Tuesday 17th January 2023
  • Keep Yourself and Those Around You Safe This Christmas - Rachael Musgrave
    We are just weeks away from Christmas Day; the time that many of us get together with friends and family, exchange gifts and enjoy a well-deserved break.
    Tuesday 6th December 2022
Displaying 1 to 10 of 13
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