Leigh Central Area Action Plan

Initial work has now started on an Area Action Plan for the Leigh Central area.

The plan will identify what new development is required, where it should be located and how it will be delivered. It will also identify what infrastructure works (such as new roads or cycleways) or other improvements are needed to continue Leigh's regeneration. The plan will review the town centre boundary and the extent of the Principle Shopping Area.

See the map of the draft Leigh Central Area Action Plan Boundary (.PDF, 2048KB)

The plan will be informed by a robust and credible evidence base and sustainability appraisal and will be the subject of extensive community and stakeholder engagement.

The first stage will be the publishing of an Issues and Options Paper for formal consultation in early 2013. However, initial views are welcomed at this stage on what are the key issues that need to be addressed and what people want the area to be like in the future.


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