In October 2017, we invited the Local Government Association (LGA) to undertake a Corporate Peer Review. The purpose of the review was to help us understand what we are doing well, and what areas we could improve.
The LGA Peer Review took place on the 9th - 11th October, and during the review we were able to showcase how we're making a real difference to the lives of people who work and live in Wigan borough, through The Deal and our ground breaking asset-based approach.
During the review, the team spoke to more than 300 people including a range of council staff together with Councillors and external partners and stakeholders. They gathered information and views from more than 50 meetings, visits to key sites in the Wigan area and additional research and reading.
You can view the full Peer Review feedback report, which includes the following main conclusions:
- The Deal is one of, if not the best, in-action example of a Council changing the relationship between residents and local communities
- Delivering the best services for our residents, communities and businesses through The Deal is something which staff and Councillors understand and feel they are responsible for as part of their roles
- The strong relationship we have with our partners and our stable, well managed finances is something we should be proud of.
Next steps
Following the review, we recognised there was scope to further develop our Deal approach.
Our Peer Review Action Plan gives details of Wigan's response to the recommendations.