Send us your question
About the question
Your question to cabinet members should be about a council service. Please make sure your contribution is a question rather than just a comment so we can give you a proper answer.
What we can’t use it for
This service isn’t designed for you to make complaints about a particular problem or ask for a service to be provided, because there are other ways to make a specific complaint. We can’t answer questions about anything that is under legal investigation or appeal, or about individual council employees or councillors. And for obvious reasons, questions containing inappropriate content or language won’t be considered.
What happens next?
Your question will be published on the questions and answers page, along with the cabinet member’s answer. Your name (but not your address) will appear alongside your question when the answer is published. This will happen within 10 working days. When the answer is published you’ll get an email with a link back to this page where you’ll be able to see your question and answer.
If for any reason we can’t answer your question within this deadline, we’ll get in touch by email to let you know when you can expect an answer.
We won’t use your information for any other purpose unless you give us permission to so.