I'm a Parent

SEND Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Service

Note: From September 2014 Parent Partnership Services (PPS) in every council evolved into Information, Advice and Support (IAS) services. They provide support similar to that of a PPS, although the type of support, and who is entitled to receive it, has been significantly expanded.

Who we are

We offer free, impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

We encourage and develop partnerships between children, young people, parents, schools, the council and all other partners who are involved in identifying, assessing and meeting the special educational needs of children and young people.

What we do

What help you can get and how long you can receive help for is different for each individual and we tailor any support according to your child’s specific needs which might include face-to-face meetings, contact by telephone and/or email.

We offer information, advice and support on:

  • SEND services available in Wigan - SEND Local Offer
  • Links to local parent support groups and forums 
  • Finding other local or national help 
  • Additional SEN support
  • Individual casework and representation 
  • Preparing for and attending meetings 
  • Filling in forms and writing letters or reports 
  • Support in resolving disagreements, mediation and tribunals
  • Local policy and practice, personalisation, personal budgets, preparation for adulthood, the law on SEN and Disability, health and social care
  • The Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) assessment and planning process and information about existing Special Educational Needs (SEN) statements and the review process.

Getting our help

Parents can make a self referral via phone or email.

However, on occasions it may appropriate for a professional to make contact with the service on behalf of the parent or young person. We will only act upon such requests on the full understanding that consent has been given.

Further information

Alternative formats

If you require information in another format, please contact us.

It may not always be possible to speak with a member of the team during the times specified, due to outside office appointments etc. However, the service does operate an answer machine service, so that messages may be left at any time.

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