Young victims of crime

Are you a young person who has been a victim of crime?

Speaking out about difficult experiences can be hard to do, especially if a crime has affected you deeply in a personal way.

The police do care and their job is to keep you safe, so do not feel afraid to report a crime to them. They will take you seriously. If you are not sure whether what was done to you was a crime or not, the FindLaw website (external link) is very helpful in helping you identify different crimes by describing what the crime is, why it is a problem and what makes it a crime.

It is important for you to realise, that you do have legal rights as a victim of a crime.

Your key rights include:

  • The right to access support.
  • The right to be kept informed about your case by the police.
  • The right to hear when a suspect is arrested, charged, bailed or sentenced.
  • The right to apply for extra help when giving evidence in court (called ‘special measures’) if you are vulnerable or intimidated or a child or young person.
  • The right to be told when an offender will be released.

The Victim Support website - victim rights (external link) expands on victims’ rights and even has a Victims’ Code of Practice, stating the minimum level of service victims can expect from the criminal justice system.

If you have been a victim of crime, either now or in the past – please do not keep it to yourself! There is help readily available to help you move forward. It can be hard to report someone, especially if you have previously been close to them in any way but it will be beneficial both for them and you in the long-term.

There are key support schemes available to help victims of crime, including Victims’ Information Service, Victim Contact Scheme and Restorative Justice Schemes.

In Wigan, you can email Restorative Solutions or call on 01942 487972.

If you want to read more about other support services, actions to take if you are a victim of crime, or if you just want more general advice on the topic, the following links might help.

If you’ve been a victim of crime and have been working with the Restorative Solutions Service, we would love to hear your feedback. Tell us what you thought.

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