Transport strategy

The new transport strategy for the borough will ensure that the transport networks will support the significant economic development forecast to 2026.

This will also support the delivery of the Local Plan and the Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan.

The strategy covers a full range of transport issues, including congestion, parking, cycling, walking, and public transport to ensure that, in future, we can provide an effective and efficient transport system to get people moving.

Full transport strategy report and action plan

Rights of way


  • Bid for junction improvements throughout Wigan borough - DfT Local Pinch-Point submission (February 2013)

Transport strategy evidence review

The evidence below has been reviewed to provide the basis of the transport strategy.

Transport modelling study

The Core Strategy Transport Study has modelled proposed development sites across the borough to identify potential highway impacts.

Leigh area rail study

Investigating passenger rail opportunities in the east of the borough.

Rail freight study

Investigating the potential for carrying more freight by rail.

Wigan hub study

Investigating the feasibility of a transport interchange 'hub' where all transport modes would come together in a single place - bus, rail, car, taxi, cycling and walking. We published an outline plan called "Getting Business Back on Track". The detailed study is now complete and the final report has now been published.

Other evidence

Transport statistics are published by Transport for Greater Manchester, for Greater Manchester as a whole and for individual councils, including Wigan. The latest reports are for the year 2010.

The Strategic Transport Route Assessment Plan (or STRAP) attempts to identify the causes of congestion and proposes interventions that aim to improve the network performance.

The Local Area Implementation Plan (LAIP) sets out the key interventions for delivering the third Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan (LTP3) in Wigan.

Accompanying documents


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